
Constantine went to God accompanied

مضى إلى الله قسطنطين مصطحبا

1. Constantine went to God accompanied
By good deeds that met with Him and guidance

١. مَضى إِلى اللَه قسطنطين مصطحِباً
فعل التقى مَعَهُ وَالخير والرَشَدا

2. A blossoming branch that death withered in its youth
Bequeathing grief in every heart after him

٢. غصنٌ لوتهُ المنايا عند نضرتهِ
فاورثت كل قَلبٍ بعدهُ كمدا

3. The people of power wept for him blood tears
From every sore, tearful eye continuously

٣. بَكى عليهِ بنو الطوا دموعَ دمٍ
بكلِ جفنٍ قَريحٍ بالدما ابدا

4. He remained steadfast until obeying God's calling
Holding firmly to His rope, turning to the Divine

٤. ما زالَ حتىّ قَضى باللَه معتصماً
بحبلهِ باسطاً نحو الالهِ بدا

5. Therefore, restrain your weeping when dating his passing
For when he left, he did not die but fell asleep

٥. لِذاكَ كفوا اذا أَرَّختموهُ بكاً
لمّا مضى لم يُمت لكنهُ رقدا