
Had the sons of Lihyan only cared to consider,

لو أن بني لحيان كانوا تناظروا

1. Had the sons of Lihyan only cared to consider,
They would have found a band in their abode with a truthful pact.

١. لَوَ أنَّ بني لِحْيَانَ كَانُوا تَنَاظَرُوا
لَقَوْا عُصَباً في دَارِهمْ ذَاتِ مَصْدَقِ

2. They would have soon found it filling the pasture with its clamor,
In front of a mill like the Milky Way pouring.

٢. لَقَوْا سَرَعاناً يملأُ السَّربَ رَوْعُهُ
أمامَ طَحُونٍ كالمجرَّة فَيْلَقِ

3. But they were pious men who wandered
Through the ravines of Hejaz and nothing else.

٣. ولكنَّهُمْ كَانُوا وِباراً تَتَبَّعَثْ
شِعَابَ حِجَازٍ غيرِ ذي مُتَنَفَّقِ