
We have dispelled all doubt from Tihama,

قضينا من تهامة كل ريب

1. We have dispelled all doubt from Tihama,
And Khaibar, then we sheathed our swords.

١. قَضَيْنَا مِنْ تِهَامَةَ كُلَّ رَيْبٍ
وخيبَر ثمَّ أَجْمَمْنَا السّيُوفا

2. We scrutinize them, and if they could speak, they would say
Their blades in Daws or Thaqif struck violently.

٢. نُخَيّرُهَا وَلَوْ نَطَقَتْ لَقَالَتْ
قواطِعُهُنَّ دوساً أو ثَقيفَا

3. So I am no woman to nurse if you do not see them
In the courtyard of your abode, thousands from us.

٣. فَلَسْتُ لِحَاضنٍ أنْ لَمْ تَرُوهَا
بِسَاحَةِ دارِكُمْ منّا أُلُوفَا

4. And we snatch the citadels belly-first,
And your homes will be empty of you by morning.

٤. وَنَنْتَزِعُ العُروشَ بِبَطْنِ وجٍّ
وتصبحُ دُورُكم منكمُ خَلُوفَا

5. And there will come to you our horses quickly,
Leaving behind them a dense gathering.

٥. ويَأتِيكُمْ لَنَا سَرعَانُ خَيْلٍ
يُغَادِرُ خَلْفَهُ جمعاً كَثيفَا

6. When they descend upon your courtyard, you will hear
From it what its housing thundered loudly.

٦. إذا نزلُوا بسَاحَتِكُم سَمِعْتُمْ
لَهَا مِمّا أناخَ بها رَجِيفَا

7. In their hands sharp straight swords
That make the armored glint dangerously.

٧. بأيدِيهمْ قَوَاضِبُ مُرهَفَاتٌ
يُزِرْنَ المُصْطَلينَ بِهَا الحُتوفَا

8. Like carnelians whose purity
Indian eyes have never seen the like of.

٨. كأمْثالِ العَقَائقِ أَخْلَصَتْهَا
قُيُونُ الهندِ لم تُضْرَبْ كَتِيفَا

9. You imagine the bravery of heroes in them
The morning of battle, charging violently.

٩. تخالُ جَديَّةَ الأَبْطَالِ فيها
غَدَاةَ الزّحْفِ جَادِيّاً مَدوفَا

10. Do I not implore them, is there not among the tribes
One who was intimate with us to advise them

١٠. أَجِدَّهُمُ أَليسَ لَهُمْ نَصِيحٌ
منَ الأَقْوامِ كانَ بِنَا عَرِيفَا

11. To inform them that we have gathered
The noble horses and gallant knights?

١١. يخبّرهُمْ بِأَنّا قَدْ جَمَعْنَا
عِتَاقَ الخَيْلِ والنُّجُبَ الطُّروفَا

12. And that we have come upon them with a march
That encircles the fence of their fortress in rows.

١٢. وأنّا قَدْ أَتَيْنَاهُمْ بِزَحْفٍ
يُحِيطُ بِسُورِ حُصْنِهُمُ صُفُوفَا

13. Their leader the Prophet, steadfast he was
Pure of heart, patient, aloof.

١٣. رئيسُهُم النّبيُّ وكانَ صُلْباً
نقيَّ القَلْبِ مُصْطَبِراً عَزُوفَا

14. Wise in command, judicious and learned
And forbearing, not frivolous or weak.

١٤. رَشِيدُ الأَمْرِ ذُو حُكْمٍ وَعِلْمٍ
وَحِلْمٍ لَمْ يكنْ نَزقاً خَفِيفَا

15. We obey our Prophet and obey a Lord
Who is Merciful and has been gentle with us.

١٥. نُطِيعُ نَبيَّنَا وَنُطِيعُ ربّاً
هُوَ الرّحمن كانَ بِنَا رَؤُوفَا

16. So if you incline toward peace we will accept
And make you for us a pillar and ally.

١٦. فإن تُلقُوا إلينا السِّلْمَ نَقْبَلْ
وَنَجْعَلْكُمْ لَنَا عَضُداً وَرِيفَا

17. And if you refuse we will battle you and be steadfast
And our matter will not tremble, frail.

١٧. وإنْ تَأْبَوا نُجَاهِدْكُمْ ونَصْبُرْ
وَلاَ يكُ أمرُنَا رَعِشاً ضَعِيفَا

18. We will struggle as long as we last, or you relent
To Islam, submissively inclining.

١٨. نُجَالِدُ مَا بَقِينَا أَو تُنِيبُوا
إلى الإسْلاَمِ إذْعَاناً مُضيفَا

19. We will battle heedless of whom we meet
Whether we destroy the settlements or the peripheries.

١٩. نُجَاهِدُ لا نُبَالي مَنْ لَقِينَا
أَأَهْلَكْنَا التِّلادَ أمِ الطَّريفَا

20. And how many groups attacked us
Obstinately, of them and their allies.

٢٠. وَكَمْ مِنْ مَعْشَرٍ ألَبُوا عَلَيْنَا
صَمِيمَ الجِذْمِ مِنْهُمْ والحَلِيفَا

21. They came to us seeing no match for themselves
So we shattered the ears and the noses.

٢١. أَتُونا لا يرونَ لَهُمْ كِفَاءً
فجدَّعْنَا المَسَامِعَ والأُنُوفَا

22. With every polished, pliant, sharpened blade
We drive them violently like cattle.

٢٢. بكلِّ مهنّدٍ لَيْنٍ صَقِيلٍ
نَسُوقُهُمُ بها سَوْقاً عَنِيفَا

23. For the cause of God and Islam until
The religion stands upright, tolerant and straight.

٢٣. لأمرِ اللهِ والإسلاَمِ حتَّى
يَقُومَ الدّينُ معتدلاً حَنِيفَا

24. And Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Wadd are forgotten
And we take their necklaces and crescents.

٢٤. وتُنْسَى اللاّتُ والعُزَّى وَوُدٌّ
ونَسْلُبُها الَقلاَئِدَ والشُّنُوفَا

25. So they settled and grew calm,
And whoever does not resist is killed despondently.

٢٥. فأمْسُوا قَدْ أَقَرُّوا واطمأَنّوا
وَمَنْ لا يَمْتَنِعْ يُقْتَلْ خُسُوفَا