
I wondered at Allah's command, and Allah is All Powerful

عجبت لأمر الله والله قادر

1. I wondered at Allah's command, and Allah is All Powerful
Capable of whatever He wills, none can subdue Allah

١. عجبتُ لأمرِ اللهِ واللهُ قَادِرُ
على ما أرادَ لَيْسَ للهِ قَاهرُ

2. He decreed on the day of Badr that we meet a group
Who were aggressive, and aggression against people is unjust

٢. قَضَى يَوْمَ بدرٍ أن نلاقيَ معشراً
بَغَوْا وسَبِيلُ البَغْيِ بالناسِ جائِرُ

3. They had mobilized and called to arms all around them
Of people until their gathering became numerous

٣. وَقَدْ حَشَدُوا واستَنْفَروا من يَلِيهِمُ
منَ النّاسِ حتَّى جمعُهُمْ مُتَكَاثِرُ

4. And they marched against us, not targeting anyone but us
Altogether, both the elite and the commoners

٤. وسَارَتْ إلينا لا تُحَاوِلُ غيرَنَا
بأَجْمَعِهَا كَعْبٌ جميعاً وَعَامرُ

5. And amongst us was Allah's Messenger and the Aus around him
He had a stronghold amongst them, many supporters and helpers

٥. وَفِينَا رَسُولُ اللهِ والأوسُ حَوْلَهُ
لَهُ معقلٌ منهُمْ غَزِيرٌ وَنَاصِرُ

6. And the gathering of the sons of Najjar under his banner
Marching forth, gaining spoils and conquests

٦. وجمعُ بني النجّارِ تحتَ لوائِهِ
يُمشيُّنَ في الماذيّ والنّفْعُ ثائرُ

7. So when we met them, each a dedicated warrior
Steadfast and patient for the sake of his companions

٧. فَلمَّا لَقَيْناهُمْ وكلٌّ مُجَاهدٌ
لأصْحَابِهِ مُسْتَبْسِلُ النّفْسِ صَابِرُ

8. We testified that none deserves worship but Allah
And that Allah's Messenger is manifestly truthful

٨. شَهِدْنا بأَنَّ الله لا رَبَّ غَيرهُ
وأنَّ رسولَ اللهِ بالحقِّ ظَاهِرُ

9. Pure white swords were bared that looked like
Flashlights making your eyes shine

٩. وقد عُرِّيَتْ بيضٌ خِفَافٌ كأَنَّها
مَقابيسُ يُزْهِيهَا لِعَيْنَيْكَ شَاهِرُ

10. With them we destroyed their army and they scattered
And the immoral were met with what they deserved

١٠. بِهِنَّ أَبَدْنَا جَمْعَهُم فتبدّدوا
وكانَ يُلاقي الحَيْنَ مَنْ هُوَ فاجرُ

11. Thus fell Abu Jahl lifeless on his face
While Utbah deserted him as he stumbled

١١. فكُبَّ أَبو جَهْلٍ صَريعاً لِوَجْهِهِ
وعتبةُ قَدْ غادَرْنَهُ وَهْوَ عَاثرُ

12. As did Shaybah and Al-Tameemi in the melee
None but rejecters of the Lord of the Throne remained

١٢. وشَيبةَ والتيميَّ غادرْنَ في الوَغى
وما مِنْهُمُ إلاّ بذي العَرْشِ كافرُ

13. So they became fuel for the fire in its abode
And every ungrateful one is destined for Hell

١٣. فأمْسُوا وَقُود النّارَ في مستَقَرّهَا
وكلّ كفورٍ في جهنَّم صَائرُ

14. It blazes upon them as its rage intensifies
With iron rods and flaming stones

١٤. تَلَظَّى عليهِمْ وَهْيَ قَدْ شُبَّ حَمْيُهَا
بِزُبْرِ الحَدِيدِ والحجارةِ سَاجرُ

15. Allah's Messenger had told them to come
But they fled saying "You are only a sorcerer"

١٥. وكانَ رَسُولُ اللهِ قد قَالَ أَقبِلُوا
فولّوا إنّما أنتَ سَاحرُ

16. Due to a matter Allah willed they be destroyed over
And none can stop what Allah protects

١٦. لأمرٍ أَرادَ اللهُ أَنْ يهلَكُوا بِهِ
وَلَيْسَ لأَمرٍ حَمَّةُ اللهُ زاجِرُ