
The Lord has left him disheveled and confounded

لم إلاله به شعثا ورم به

1. The Lord has left him disheveled and confounded
With the affairs of his nation, and matters are chaotic

١. لمَّ إلالهُ به شعثاً ورَمَّ به
أمورَ أُمَّتِهِ والأمرُ مُنْتشِرُ

2. People have become like wolves upon us, through you we have
Only swords, spearheads, and coats of mail

٢. الناسُ أَلْبٌ عَلَيْنَا فيكَ لَيْسَ لَنَا
إلاّ السّيوفَ وأطرافَ القَنَا وَزَرُ