
God honored us with victory for our Prophet

الله أكرمنا بنصر نبينا

1. God honored us with victory for our Prophet
And through us established the pillars of Islam

١. اللهُ أَكْرَمَنَا بِنَصْرِ نَبِيّنَا
وَبِنَا أَقَامَ دَعَائِمَ الإسْلاَمِ

2. And through us made His Prophet and His Saint mighty
And made us mighty through victory and valor

٢. وَبِنَا أعزَّ نبيَّهُ وَوَلِيَّهُ
وَأَعَزَّنَا بالنّصْرِ والإقْدَامِ

3. In every battlefield our souls take flight
Leaving behind the empty skulls of delusion

٣. في كلِّ مُعْتَرَكٍ تُطِيرُ نفوسُنَا
تَلكَ الجماجِمَ عَنْ فِراخ الهَامِ

4. We are the best of all creation
Its system and the reins of every rein

٤. نَحْنَ الخيَارُ مِنَ البَريَّةِ كُلِّهَا
وَنِظَامُهَا وَزِمَامُ كُلِّ زِمَامِ

5. Plunging into the depths of every abyss
And guaranteeing the events of days

٥. الخَائِضُو غَمَرَاتِ كُلِّ مَنِيَّةٍ
والضّامِنُونَ حَوَادِثَ الأَيَّامِ

6. So ask the gluttons about our loftiness
On the day of trial with cheeks pressed to the ground

٦. فَسَلُوا ذَوِي الآكلِ عَن سَرَوَاتِنَا
يَومَ العَرِيضِ فَحَاجِرٌ فَرُوَامِ

7. We refuse whatever we desire to refuse
And give generously to the deprived

٧. إِنّا لَمُنْعٌ مَا أَرَدْنَا مَنْعَهُ
وَنَجُودُ بالمَعْرُوفِ للمُعْتامِ

8. Gabriel descends upon our forefathers
With the duties of Islam and its rules

٨. يَنْتَابُنَا جِبْرِيلُ في أَبائِنَا
بِفَرَائِضِ الإسْلاَمِ والأَحْكَامِ