1. Convey to the tribe of Fihra in their distant abode,
That today we have knowledge to confirm theirs:
١. ألا أَبْلِغَا فِهْراً على نَأْيِ دَارِهَا
وعِنْدَهُمُ من عِلْمِنَا اليومَ مَصْدقُ
2. That at dawn on the slopes of the valley of Yathrib
We were steadfast though death's banners did wave;
٢. بأنّا غَدَاةَ السَّفْحِ من بَطْنِ يَثْرِبٍ
صَبَرْنَا وَرَايَاتُ المنيّةِ تخفقُ
3. Steadfast we were towards them, and steadfastness was our wont
Whenever war-steeds careered, aloft would we soar.
٣. صَبَرْنَا لَهُمْ والصّبْرُ منا سَجِيَّةٌ
إذا طَارَت الأَبْرَامُ نَسْمُو ونَرتُقُ
4. By this custom of ours we kept steadfast,
And towards high goals would we run, outpacing all.
٤. على عَادَةٍ تلكُمْ جَرَيْنَا بِصَبْرِنَا
وَقِدْماً لدى الغَايَاتِ نَجري فَنَسْبِقُ
5. We have a leader whom none can withstand,
A Prophet who came with the truth, noble and verified.
٥. لنا حَوْمَةٌ لا تُسْتَطَاعُ يَقُودُهَا
نَبيٌّ أَتَى بالحَقِّ عَفٌّ مُصَدَّقُ
6. Say, did the abodes of Fihra ibn Malik
Witness fragments of corpses and skulls split asunder?
٦. ألا هَلْ أَتَى أَفْنَاءَ فهرِ بن مَالكٍ
مقطّعُ أطرافٍ وَهَامٌ مفلّقُ