1. She said, "It is forbidden for you to seek our union."
I said, "Then what harm is there in union?"
١. قالَتْ حَراماً تَبْتَغي وَصْلَنا
قلتُ فَمَا بالوَصْلِ مِنْ باسِ
2. She said, "Then who made this lawful for you?"
I said, "I see it as reasonable opinion."
٢. قالتْ فَمَنْ حَلّلَ هذا لكُمْ
قلتُ أراهُ رَأْيَ قَيّاسِ
3. We are all descendants of Adam.
Who has forbidden people to people?
٣. نحنُ جميعاً مِنْ بني آدمٍ
مَنْ حَرَّمَ النّاسَ على النّاسِ
4. So she walked away; and if she could,
She would have come at me head first.
٤. فأَقْبَلَتْ تَمْشِي ولَوْ أنّها
تَقْدِرُ جاءَتْني على الرَّاسِ