1. Say to Bakr son of Dahmard when the armies of night
Are gathered between al-Tas and al-Jam,
١. قولا لبَكْرِ بنِ دَهْمَرْدٍ إذا اعْتَكَرَتْ
عَساكرُ اللّيلِ بينَ الطّاسِ والجامِ
2. "Did I not tell you that transgression is ruinous
And transgression and pride corrupt men?
٢. أَلَمْ أَقُلْ لكَ إِنَّ البَغْيَ مَهْلَكَةٌ
والبَغْيُ والعُجْبُ إفسادٌ لأقوامِ
3. You once fled from a few stray arrows
Yet now you are patchwork pierced by every archer;
٣. قد كنتَ تَفْرَقُ مِنْ سَهْمٍ بغانيةٍ
فصرتَ غيرَ رَميمٍ رُقْعَةَ الرَّامي
4. You once shied from a mere touch or kiss
Yet now are tamed by bridle and halter."
٤. وكنتَ تَفْزَعُ مِنْ لَمْسٍ ومِنْ قُبَلٍ
فقد ذَلَلْتَ لإِسْراجٍ وإِلْجامِ
5. If your thighs are ripped by the ride, though you come
At eve, my agonized heart still bleeds for you.
٥. إنْ تَدْمَ فَخْذاكَ مِنْ رَكْضٍ فَرُبّمَتَأ
أُمْسي وقَلْبي عليكَ الموجَعُ الدَّامي