
Enjoy life, for you are mortal

تمتع من الدنيا فإنك فاني

1. Enjoy life, for you are mortal
And you are afflicted by the hands of fate

١. تَمَتّعْ مِنَ الدُّنيا فإنّكَ فاني
وإنّكَ في أَيْدي الحوادِثِ عاني

2. Do not put off today out of frivolity until tomorrow
And who can guarantee tomorrow will be safe from calamity?

٢. ولا تُنْظِرَنَّ اليومَ لَهْواً إلى غَدٍ
ومَنء لِغَدٍ مِنْ حادِثٍ بأمَانِ

3. For I have seen time hasten with the youth
And move him through two differing states

٣. فإنِّي رأَيْتُ الدَّهْرَ يُسْرِعُ بالفتى
وينقلُهُ حالينِ يَخْتَلفانِ

4. As for what has passed, it is the dreams of a sleeper
And as for what remains, they are merely hopes

٤. فأمّا الذي يَمضي فأحلامُ نائمٍ
وأمّا الذي يَبْقَى لَهُ فأماني