1. Our lord, O early rising lad
Serve the wine cup to me without delay
١. مَوْلاتُنا يا غُلامُ مُبْتَكِرَهْ
فَباكِرِ الكَأْسَ لِيْ بِلاَ نَظِرَهْ
2. The next day, to entertainment and fun
As if the modest, lively, young girl
٢. غَدَتْ على اللّهوِ والمُجونِ على
أَنَّ الفَتاةَ الحَيِيّةَ الخَفِرَهْ
3. For love of her, I felt no loss
Folded, in the night, widespread
٣. لِحُبِّها لا عَدِمْتُها حُرَقٌ
مَطْوِيّةٌ في الحَشَا ومُنْتَشِرَهْ
4. I have not tasted of her except her kisses
And the embrace of her cascading branches
٤. ما ذُقْتُ منها سِوى مُقبَّلِها
وَضَمِّ تلكَ الفُروعِ مُنْحَدِرَهْ
5. She rebuked me, so I died of separation
Oh her beauty in consent and refusal
٥. وانْتَهَرَتْني فَمِتُّ مِنْ فَرَقٍ
يا حُسْنَها في الرِّضَا ومُنْتَهِرَهْ
6. Then the veil of her veil inclined toward us
Through that intoxicating, redolent hair
٦. ثُمَّ انْثَنَتْ سَوْرَةُ الخُمارِ بنا
خِلالَ تلكَ الغَدائرِ الخَمِرَهْ
7. On a night that leaned toward me
Like a new moon, turbanned
٧. ولَيْلَةٍ أَشْرَفَتْ بِكَلْكَلِها
عَلَيَّ كالطّيْلَسَانِ مُعْتَجِرَهْ
8. So I steered her planet to a moon
Whose clothes are veiled in chastity
٨. فَتّقْتُ دَيْجُورَهَا إلى قَمَرٍ
أَثْوابُهُ بالعَفَافِ مُسْتَتِرَهْ
9. Urge the steps of the wine bearer toward me
Twelve, twenty-two, thirty-two
٩. عُجْ عَبَراتِ المُدامِ نَحوِيَ مِنْ
عَشْرٍ وعِشْرينَ واثْنَتَيْ عَشَرَهْ
10. Though people mention their rising
My mind has forgotten
١٠. قَدْ ذكرَ الناسُ عن قِيامِهِمُ
ذِكْرَى بِعَقْلي أَصْبَحتْ نَكرَهْ
11. My knowledge of right - exalted knowledge
Praiseworthy, whether you know the unknown
١١. مَعْرِفَتي بالصَّوابِ مَعْرِفَةٌ
غَرَّاءُ إِمّا عَرَفْتُمُ النّكرهْ
12. Oh, the wonder of my wicked father and his
Putrid brain inside a rubbish heap
١٢. يا عَجَباً مِنْ أَبي الخَبيثِ ومِنْ
سُروحِهِ في البَقَائرِ الدَّثِرَهْ
13. Bearing a head which tools recoil from
And solid rocks avoid
١٣. يَحملُ رَأْساً تَنْبُو المعاوِلُ عنْ
صَفْحَتِهِ والجَلامِدُ الوَعِرَهْ
14. If plodding mules ascended his body
They would stretch out paralyzed legs
١٤. لَوِ البِغَالُ الكُمْتُ ارْتَقَتْ سَنَداً
فيهِ لَمدَّتْ قَوائِماً خَدِرَهْ
15. A thousand catapults could not help him
Rising and falling again without effect
١٥. ومَا المَجانيقُ فيه مُغْنِيَةٌ
أَلْفٌ تَسَامَى وأَلْفُ مُنْكَدِرَهْ
16. Look at the place of his skull blade
That rough, coarse plate
١٦. أُنْظُرْ إلى مَوْضعِ المَقَصِّ مِنَ الهَا
مَةِ تلكَ الصَّفيحةِ العَجِرَهْ
17. If you took the hammers to it intensely
With the skilled hand's artistry
١٧. فَلَوْ أَخَذْتُمْ لها المَطَارِقَ حَرَّا
نِيّةً صَنْعَةَ اليَدِ الخَبِرَهْ
18. Then the fists of his skull would go
Shattered, and the tools smashed
١٨. إذاً لَرَاحَتْ أَكُفُّ جُلّتِهِمْ
كَلِيلَةً والأَداةُ مُنْكَسِرَهْ
19. How many happy times you have ruined
And how much good living you have embittered
١٩. كَمْ طَرَباتٍ أَفْسَدْتَهُنَّ وكَمْ
صَفْوَةِ عَيْشٍ غَادَرْتَها كَدرَهْ
20. And how many, when they see you death's angel
Clench their fingers in lament
٢٠. وكَمْ إذا ما رَأَوْكَ يا مَلَكَ الم
وتِ لهمْ مِنْ أَنامِلٍ خَصِرَهْ
21. And how many curses upon you, and how many
Vile, notorious mothers' stones are cast
٢١. وكَمْ لَهُمْ دَعْوَةٌ عليكَ وكَمْ
قَذْفَةِ أَمٍّ شَنْعاءَ مُشْتَهِرَهْ
22. Noble woman, whom you toyed with
And gained through the most evil treacheries
٢٢. كَرِيمَةٍ لُؤْمُكَ اسْتَخَفَّ بها
ونالَها بالمَثَالِبِ الأَشِرَهْ
23. Stop at his luggage, you will see wonders
Describing the curiosities of Basra
٢٣. قِفُوا على رَحْلِهِ تَرَوْا عَجَباً
في الجَهْلِ يَحْكي طَرائِفَ البَصَرَهْ
24. O every loathsome star and every
Hour of ill luck and hardship
٢٤. يا كُلَّ مَنْيٍ وكُلَّ طالِعَةٍ
نَحْسٍ ويا كُلَّ سَاعةٍ عَسِرَهْ
25. Glory to Him who holds up the sky over
The earth in which your foul morals exist
٢٥. سُبْحانَ مَنْ يُمْسِكُ السّماءَ على ال
أرْض وفيها أَخْلاقُكَ القَذرَهْ