1. With jars of radiant pearls are they adorned
By necklaces more brilliant than the sun's rays
١. وقَنَانٍ زَوَاهِرٍ هُنَّ بالشّمْ
سِ مِنَ الشّمْسِ بالقَلائِدِ أَحْكَى
2. In rows stand smiling maidens fair of form
Who, bending low, break into peals of mirth
٢. يَتَبَسّمْنَ قائِمَاتٍ صُفُوفاً
فإذا ما رَكَعْنَ قَهْقَهْنَ ضِحْكا
3. "Take them," I said, "and give me their ransom
Gold to be molten in glass and cast anew"
٣. قُلْتُ خُذْها وعاطِنِيها سلافاً
ذَهَباً في الزّجَاجِ يُسْبَكُ سَبْكا