
Filled with sorrow

ومملوء من الحزن

1. Filled with sorrow
He treats the insomnia of sleeplessness

١. وَمَمْلُوءٍ مِنَ الحَزَنِ
يعالجُ سَوْرَةَ الأَرَقِ

2. His closing eyelids
Nearly flood the earth with tears

٢. تكادُ غُروبُ مُقْلَتِهِ
تَعُمُّ الأَرْضَ بالغَرَقِ

3. And his sighing
Takes over the gathering with burning

٣. ويَسْتَوْلي تَزَفُّرُهُ
على الجُلاَّسِ بالحُرَقِ

4. It's as if his anxious heart
Is the slithering snake's flickering tongue

٤. كأنَّ فُؤَادَهُ قَلِقاً
لِسَانُ الحَيّةِ الفَرِقِ

5. And his ribs with the rattling
Are the shuffling pages of his thoughts

٥. وَأَضْلُعَه لِقَضْقَضةٍ
صَيَارِفُ حاسِبُو وَرِقِ