1. A teary eye wept for Al-Aqeeq valley like it
Wept with tears for its absent beloved, not for itself
١. عينٌ بكت وادي العقيق بمثلِهِ
دمعاً لأَجل فقيدها لا أَجلهِ
2. O eye, in the salty valley there are many
Substitute ten of its people for him
٢. يا عينُ في الوادي الملاحُ كثيرةٌ
فتعوضي عشراً بها من أَهلهِ
3. Alas! What young man was deterred by a stick
From his eyelids, even if it guided him to his path
٣. هيهاتَ أيُّ فتى أَعاظته العصا
عن مقلتيه وإِن هدته لسبلهِ
4. By my beloved father, nothing called him to intent
Hatred, but a motive from his ignorance
٤. بأبي حبيب ما دعاه إِلى النوى
بغض ولكن باعث من جهله
5. The days of his companionship he was unkind and visited him
After the illness with his letters and messengers
٥. أَيام صحبتهِ جفاه وزاره
بعد السقامِ بكتبهِ وبرسلهِ
6. As a precaution for him, yet he doesn't know that
By avoidance, he was the first to try to kill him
٦. حذراً عليه وليس يدري أَنه
بالهجر أَول من سعى في قتلهِ
7. So beware a friendship with an ignorant weakness whatever
You fear the enmity of one who is reckless in his mind
٧. فاحذر صداقةٍ ذي الجهالة ضعف ما
تخشى عداوة من يصول بعقلهِ
8. O criticizer, he greets him then kills him
Closeness and distance in resentment with his connection
٨. يا مُدنفاً يحييهِ ثم يَميتهَ
قربٌ وبعدٌ في الضنين بوصلهِ
9. He brings him to life after his death with his promises
And kills him after life with his delays
٩. يحييه بعد مماته بوعوده
ويميته بعد الحياة بمطلهِ
10. O you who when he found pleasure took over his matter
Arrogant, he establishes his injustice in his justice
١٠. يا من لذي وجد تولى أَمره
واشٍ يحكُّمَ جوره في عدلهِ
11. Arrogant, it was made possible for him to see his separation
Among loved ones from the increase of his merit
١١. واش اتيحَ له يرى تفريقَه
بين الأحبةِ من زيادة فضلهِ
12. I purified his love for me to change his nature
But nature fails whom tries to change it
١٢. أصفيتهُ ودي لأَنقل طبعه
والطبعُ يعجزُ من يهمُّ بنقلهِ
13. Do not hope for righteousness from one immersed appearing
In his eyes good equal to his actions
١٣. لا ترجونَّ صلاح منهمكٍ يُرى
في عينه حسناً مساوى فعِله
14. Bearing passion is difficult and not every man
Whose glances shine can stand with his dream
١٤. حملُ الهوى صعبٌ وما كل امرئ
رشقته ألحاظُ يقومُ بحلمه
15. So renounce towards one who bears arrogance
And glory is a condition of variation in carrying it
١٥. فاربأ بنفسك نحو من حمل العلا
والمجدُ حالُ تفاوتٍ في نقلهِ
16. The victorious king, his neighbor
That his eyes do not sleep from his decline
١٦. الناصرُ الملك المعود جاره
ان لا تنام عيونُه عن ذحلِه
17. What is unlawful to me is not permitted and what is yours
No matter how much I took, I took it from its permissibility
١٧. ما لي حرامٌ لاَ يحلُّ ومالكم
مهما أخذتُ أخذتُه من حِله
18. And if the enemy raided a raid therein
And took you, he came upon it all
١٨. وإذا القريضُ أغار فيه غارةً
وأخذت فيك أتى عليه كلهِ
19. Indeed Al-Mashad does not ignore what is here
Of the existence of our Master Ali and his merit
١٩. إنَّ المشد وليس يجهل ما هنا
من وجود مولانا عليَّ وفضله
20. Regarding my agriculture and protector other than him
Like a lion standing advocate for his cub
٢٠. في زرعي وحامي دونه
كالليث قام محامياً عن شِبلهِ
21. So gesture to him with a gesture to protect
My right and sheathe what was unsheathed of his blade
٢١. فأشر إِليه إِشارةً يرعى بها
حقي ويغمد ما انتضى من نصله
22. You remain a fortress I take shade under its shade
Whoever fears the injustice of fate and its people
٢٢. لا زلتَ حصنا يستظلُ بظلهِ
من خاف من جور الزمانِ وأهلهِ