1. Behold the monk chanting at dawn,
His warbling hastens as the boughs rustle.
١. أَمَا تَرَى راهِبَ الأَسْحَارِ قَدْ هَتَفا
وحَثَّ تَغْريدُهُ لَمّا عَلاَ الشّعَفَا
2. The hue of his hood resembles Father of Qabus,
Like a pearl-studded crown raised loftily.
٢. أَوْفَى بِصَبْغِ أبي قَابُوسَ مَفْرقُهُ
كَدُرَّةِ التّاجِ لَمّا عُولِيَتْ شَرَفَا
3. Adorned with carnelian around his altar,
Were you not lending an ear, plaiting braids?
٣. مُشَنّفاً بِعَقيقٍ حَولَ مَذْبَحِهِ
هَلْ كُنتَ في غيرِ أُذْنٍ تَعْقِدُ الشُّنُفَا
4. As if a ringdove roosted on a devotees chest
Finding company loathsome unless selling itself.
٤. كأنّما الْتَفَّ في هُدَّابِ راهِبَةٍ
يَسْتَوْحِشُ الأُنْسَ إلاَّ بيعَه أنفا
5. When the shepherds of night rested their flock
Of stars grazing the boughs.
٥. لمّا أراحَتْ رُعاةُ اللّيلِ غَارِبَةً
مِنَ الكواكبِ كانتْ تَرْتَعِي السُّدُفا
6. He shook his banner despite his advanced years
Swaying, rising, then settling gently.
٦. هَزَّ اللِّواءَ على ما كانَ مِنْ سِنَةٍ
واهْتَزَّ ثُمَّ عَلا وارْتَجَّ ثُمَّ هَفا
7. Then persisted melodiously in song,
Trilling, his clear tones rising.
٧. ثُمَّ اسْتَمَرّ كما غَنّى على طَرَبٍ
مُرَنّحٌ قَدْ عَلا تَطْرِيبُهُ وَصَفَا
8. When he commenced, flocks gathered about
Like desert beasts roaring at dawn vying in estimation.
٨. إذا اسْتَهَلَّ اسْتَهَلّتْ حولَهُ عُصَبٌ
كالحيِّ صِيحَ صَباحاً فيه فاختلفا
9. I roused him as revelers overstayed their welcome,
Saying arise, relieve us of the care that consumed us!
٩. نَبّهْتُهُ والنّدامَى طالَ مَكْثُهمُ
فقلتُ قُمْ واكْفِنا الهَمَّ الذي وَكَفَا
10. Turn your visage from the water this day
Until you see the sleepers departing.
١٠. فاصْرِفْ بِصِرْفِكَ وَجْهَ الماءِ يومكَ ذَا
حتى تَرَى نائماً منهم ومُنْصَرِفا
11. So he stood, cloaked like the rising moon
The gazelle glancing back, the bough inclining.
١١. فَقامَ مُلْتَحِفاً كالبدرِ مُطّلِعاً
والظّبي مُلْتَفِتاً والغُصْنِ مُنْعَطِفا
12. The smoothness of his cheeks softened, were they to glance
Or wish, they would cease their resistance.
١٢. رَقّتْ غُلالَةُ خَدَّيْهِ فلَوْ رَمِيَا
باللّحْظِ أَوْ بالمُنَى هَمّا بأنْ يَكِفَا
13. As if a Qaf were inscribed above his cheek
And its scribe had flourished a thousand whorls.
١٣. كأنَّ قافاً أُدِيرَتْ فوقَ وَجْنَتِهِ
واخْتَطَّ كاتِبُهَا مِنْ فَوْقِها أَلِفَا
14. After beholding his countenance, I said
That suffices me in place of wine cups and more.
١٤. فقلتُ مِنْ بعد ما شَاهَدْتُ هَيئتَهُ
حَسْبِي بِذَا عِوَضاً مِنْ خَمْرَتي وكَفا
15. He shone brilliantly, matching the full moon
Parting our company, or fire meeting kindling.
١٥. فاسْتَلَّ راحاً كَبِيضٍ وافَقَتْ حَجَناً
خِلالَنا أو كَنَارٍ صادَفَتْ سَعَفَا
16. In the radiance as he rose revived at dawn
His cheek and my companions lit our abode sufficiently.
١٦. فكانَ مِنْ ضَوْئِها إِذْ قامَ مُصْطَبِحاً
وضَوْءِ وَجْنَتِهِ ما عَمّنَا وَكَفَى
17. Bright as barely yellowed by jaundice, yet you see
Scattered above it, shells of scattered pearl.
١٧. صَفراء أو قَلَّ ما اصْفَرَّتْ فأَنتَ تَرى
ذَوْباً مِنَ الدُّرِ رَصُّوا فوقَهُ صَدَفَا
18. Ceaselessly, for thirty-one days, and for
Fifteen days more he persevered, not tiring or relenting,
١٨. فلَمْ يَزَلْ في ثلاثٍ واثنتين وفي
خَمْسٍ وعَشْرٍ وما اسْتَعْلَى وما لَطُفَا
19. I peer through the chink of two lustrous pearls, pure,
Sweet, taking a draught - never have I drunk so deeply.
١٩. وأَمْتَري وَدْقَ سِمْطَيْ لُؤلُؤٍ بَرِدٍ
عَذْبٍ وأَرْشُفُ ثَغْراً قَطُّ ما رُشِفا
20. That I imagined him a cupbearer of Khawali,
And my boon companion, the choicest of successors.
٢٠. حتى حَسِبْتُ أنو شروانَ مِنْ خَوَلي
وخِلْتُ أَنَّ نَديمي عاشِرُ الخُلفا