1. O Bakr, what have the passing years done to you?
O home, what have the days inflicted upon you?
١. يا بَكْرُ ما فَعلتْ بِكَ الأَرْطالُ
يا دارَ ما فَعلتْ بكِ الأَيّامُ
2. In the home there still remains something we yearn for,
Since in you nothing is left that we yearn after.
٢. في الدَّارِ بَعْدُ بَقِيّةٌ نَسْتَامُها
إِذْ ليسَ فيكَ بَقيّةٌ تُسْتَامُ
3. Time has worn out the dwellings despite them,
And upon you too, time has cast its decline.
٣. عَرِمَ الزَّمانُ على الدِّيارِ بِرَغْمِهِمْ
وعليكَ أيضاً للزَّمانِ عُرَامُ
4. Time has preoccupied your name in its registry,
So pens were freed for your implements.
٤. شَغَلَ الزَّمانُ كَرَاكَ في ديوانهِ
فَتَفَرَّغَتْ لِدَواتِكَ الأَقْلامُ