
They are gone, and the body after them

بانوا فصار الجسم من بعدهم

1. They are gone, and the body after them
Is naught to the sun overhead;

١. بانُوا فصارَ الجِسْمُ مِنْ بَعْدِهِمْ
ما تَصْنعُ الشّمْسُ لهُ فَيّا

2. How shall I encounter them
When they see me living after them?

٢. بأيِّ وَجْهٍ أَتلقّاهُمُ
إذا رَأَوني بعْدَهُمْ حيّا

3. What shall I say to their enemies
When they say the separation hurt me not?

٣. وما جوابي إِذْ تَقولُ العِدَا
ما صَنَعَ البَيْنُ بِهِ شَيّا

4. O my shame that he said it,
O my shame that loss of them hurt me not!

٤. يا خَجْلَتي منهُ ومِنْ قولِهِ
ما ضَرَّكَ الفَقْدُ لَنَا شَيّا