
Red before blending, yellow after

وحمراء قبل المزج صفراء بعده

1. Red before blending, yellow after
She appeared between narcissus robes and anemones

١. وحَمْراءَ قبلَ المَزْجِ صَفْرَاءَ بَعْدَهُ
بَدَتْ بينَ ثَوبَيْ نَرْجِسٍ وشَقائقِ

2. She told the story of the lover's cheek artfully, so they unleashed
Upon her a temperament, and she took on the color of a lover

٢. حَكَتْ وَجْنَةَ المَعْشُوقِ صِرْفاً فَسَلّطُوا
عليها مِزَاجاً فاكْتَسَتْ لَوْنَ عاشِقِ