1. O grave of Fatima, unmatched in excellence
A grave in Tayba where she passed sweet nights
١. يا قَبْرَ فاطِمَةَ الّذي مَا مِثْلُهْ
قَبْرٌ بطَيْبَةَ طابَ فيهِ مَبِيتَا
2. For in you resided the daughter of the Guide whose
Beauty and adornment were manifestly bright
٢. إِذْ فيكَ حَلّتْ بِضْعَةُ الهَادي الّتي
تُجلى مَحاسِنُ وَجْهِها حُلِّيتا
3. If you move away from it you have not distanced
Or if the full moon has not become obscured from sight
٣. إِنْ تَنْأَ عنهُ فَمَا نَأَيْتَ تَباعُداً
أَوْ لَمْ تَبِنْ بَدْراً فما أَخفيتا
4. So the rain has watered your soil throughout the time
The graves of Tayba have gleamed and endured
٤. فَسَقَى ثَرَاكَ الغَيْثُ ما بَقِيَتْ بِهِ
لُمَعُ القُبورِ بطَيْبَةٍ وَبقِيتا
5. Indeed, in sheltering her you have become fragrant
Exhaling musk that intoxicates when sniffed
٥. فَلَقَدْ بِرَيّاها ظَلَلْتَ مُطَيّباً
تَسْتَافُ مِسْكاً في الأُنوف فَتيتا
6. And I have contemplated the graves and their people
So my thoughts about them have become scattered
٦. ولَقَدْ تأَمّلْتُ القُبورَ وأَهْلَها
فَتَشَتّتَتْ فِكري بها تَشْتِيتا
7. How many brought near and pushed away, how many close and far
Have been reduced to dust by time's malevolence and spite
٧. كَمْ مُقْرَبٍ مُقْصىً وكَمْ مُتَبَاعِدٍ
مُدْنىً فَسَاوَرَتِ الحَشَا عِفْريتا