
Is there no help for me against relentless yearning

أما لي على الشوق اللجوج معين

1. Is there no help for me against relentless yearning
When the abode shifts and the companions grow few?

١. أَمَا لي على الشّوْقِ اللّجُوجِ مُعينُ
إذا نَزَحَتْ دارٌ وخَفَّ قَطينُ

2. When they mention the days of Damascus, longing
Returns me to those I knew in Damascus’ arms.

٢. إذا ذكروا عَهْدَ الشّآمِ اسْتَعادَني
إلى مَنْ بأَكْنافِ الشّآمِ حَنينُ

3. This night has dragged on until it seems
Its star is loath to return at dawn.

٣. تَطَاوَلَ هذا اللّيلُ حتى كأنّما
على نَجْمِهِ أَلاَّ يَعُودَ يَمينُ

4. By God, I did not willingly part from it
But what is willed shall come to be.

٤. فواللّهِ ما فارَقْتُها عن قِلىً لها
ولكنَّ ما يُقْضَى فَسَوْفَ يكونُ