1. Like musk-scented breeze, her robes waft gently,
Like honey bees, her tresses flutter airily,
١. وراحٍ كَريحِ المِسْكِ يَنْزُو حَبَابُها
كَنَزْوِ الدَبا مَطْبوخَةٍ بالهَواجِرِ
2. The bride appeared in saffron shirt so brightly,
In yellow headscarf with cheek-framing frills completely,
٢. عَروس تَبَدَّتْ في قَميصٍ مُعَصْفَرٍ
وفي كلّةٍ صَفْراءَ ذاتِ جَبائِرِ
3. The bridesmaids brought her on her wedding day,
To us from presses of the wine-makers cheerily.
٣. أَتَتْنَا بِها الدَّاياتُ في يوم عُرسِها
تُزَفُّ إِلينا مِنْ خُدودِ المَعَاصِرِ