1. O eye, no more frowning or swelling,
Only cry for sorrows, not out of joy,
١. يا عَينُ لا للغَضَا ولا الكُثُبِ
بُكَا الرَّزَايا سِوى بُكا الطّرَبِ
2. Be generous, let your eyelids brim over,
Then celebrate with tears and profit.
٢. جُودِي وجِدِّي بملءِ جَفْنِكِ ثُ
مَّ احْتفِلي بالدُّموعِ وانْكسبي
3. O eye, in Karbala are graves where
My heart has left its own graves of sorrow,
٣. يا عينُ في كَرْبُلاَ مَقَابِرُ قَدْ
تَرَكْنَ قَلبي مَقَابرَ الكُرَبِ
4. Graves beneath which are pulpits of
Knowledge, forbearance and wondrous sight,
٤. مَقابرٌ تحتَها مَنابِرُ مِنْ
عِلْمٍ وحِلْمٍ ومَنْظَرٍ عَجَبِ
5. Of the House of Fatima, Allah's family,
The people of glory and noble lords,
٥. مِنَ البَهَاليلِ آلِ فاطمةٍ
أَهْلِ المعالي والسّادةِ النُّجُبِ
6. How many swords were drawn by them and how
Much blood was shed on earth flowing freely,
٦. كَمْ شَرِقَتْ مِنْهُمُ السُّيُوفُ وكَمْ
رُوِّيَتِ الأَرْضُ مِنْ دَمٍ سَرِبِ
7. My soul is yours to sacrifice for you,
My soul, my mother, my family and father,
٧. نَفْسي فِداءٌ لَكُمْ ومَنْ لَكُمُ
نَفْسي وأُمِّي وأُسْرَتي وأَبي
8. Do not be far though far you are, O sons
Of the Prophet, and time is full of turns.
٨. لا تَبْعَدُوا يا بَني النّبِيِّ على
أَنْ قَد بَعُدْتُمْ والدُّهْرُ ذُو نُوَبِ
9. O soul, do not despair or feel distressed,
Pour on my grief water from hilltops,
٩. يا نَفْسُ لا تَسْأَمِيْ ولا تَضيقِي
وَارْسِي على الخَطْبِ رَسْوَةَ الهُضُبِ
10. Guard me, the gleam of conscience, and feel
Patience, graceful solace, and await reward.
١٠. صُوني شُعَاعَ الضَّمير واسْتَشْعِرِي
الصَّبْرَ وحُسْنَ العَزَاءِ واحْتَسِبي
11. Men on earth are quick to murder and sudden
Death is expected, inevitable,
١١. فالخَلْقُ في الأرضِ يَعْجَلُونَ ومَوْ
لاكِ على تَوْأَدٍ ومُرْتَقَبِ
12. The murdered will be assembled, and he
Who killed him will be asked about the cause.
١٢. لابُدَّ أَنْ يُحْشَرَ القتيلُ وأَنْ
يُسْأَلَ ذُو قَتْلِهِ عَنِ السّبَبِ
13. Woe and hellfire to whomever handed him over
To the burning flames and blaze.
١٣. فالوَيْلُ والنّارُ والثُّبُورُ لِمَنْ
قَدْ أَسْلَموهُ لِلْجَمْرِ واللّهَبِ
14. O elite of Allah among all creatures,
And most generous of Arabs and non-Arabs,
١٤. يا صَفْوَةَ اللّهِ في خَلائقه
وأَكْرَمَ الأَعْجَمِينَ والعَربِ
15. You are gleaming stars of guidance and its planets,
The center of glory and lineage and prestige,
١٥. أَنْتُمْ بُدُورُ الهُدَى وأَنْجُمُهُ
وَدَوّحَةُ المَكْرُماتِ والحَسَبِ
16. The dispensers of the Cistern on a day when no relatives
Can bring water to their kindred outcasts.
١٦. وسَاسَةُ الحَوْضِ يَوْمَ لا نَهَلٌ
لِمُورِدِيكُمْ مَوارِدَ العَطَبِ
17. When I think of you and the misfortune, my heart
Is detached, floating in wonder.
١٧. فَكّرْتُ فيكُمْ وفي المُصَابِ فَما انْ
فَكَ فُؤادي يَعُومُ في عَجَبِ
18. You still live among them between
A murdered one and one dispossessed.
١٨. ما زِلْتُمُ في الحياةِ بَيْنهُمُ
بَيْنَ قَتيلٍ وبَيْنَ مُسْتَلَبِ
19. There was consent in your absence,
And how much begrudging consent over wrath!
١٩. قَدْ كانَ في هَجْرِكُمْ رِضى بِكُمُ
وكَمْ رِضىً مُشْرَجٌ على غَضَبِ
20. Until the Prophet confined a raving fool,
The prisoner of unsheathed swords in war,
٢٠. حَتَّى إذا أَوْدَعَ النّبِيُّ شَجاً
قَيْدَ لَهَاةِ القَصَاقِصِ الحَرِبِ
21. With two far removed who had lineage
Though far removed from such lineage,
٢١. مَع بَعِيدَيْنِ أَحْرَزَا نَسَباً
مَعْ بُعْدِ دارٍ عَنْ ذلكَ النَّسَبِ
22. Taym had no brother of Hashim
And Adi no father of Ahmad.
٢٢. ما كانَ تَيْمٌ لهاشِمٍ بأَخٍ
ولا عَدِيٌّ لأحْمَدٍ بَأَبِ
23. But news of enmity and rancor rushed forth
In the blindness of night's darkness.
٢٣. لكنْ حَديثا عَداوَةٍ وقِلىً
تَهَوَّرَا في غيابةِ الشُّقُبِ
24. They rose with a false claim of injustice
And a terrible lie as proof.
٢٤. قاما بِدَعْوى في الظُّلْمِ غالبةٍ
وحُجّةٍ جَزْلَةٍ مِنَ الكَذِبِ
25. So your prophet willed it and showed
Hostility like that of a dog,
٢٥. مِنْ ثَمَّ أَوْصى بهِ نَبِيُّكُمُ
نَصَّاً فأَبْدَى عَداوةَ الكَلِبِ
26. And from then time turned against them
After being kind, with barren hills,
٢٦. ومِنْ هناكَ انْبَرَى الزَّمانُ لهمْ
بعدَ الْتِياطٍ بغارِبٍ جَشِبِ
27. Do not skin me with the blades of your tongues,
I do not graze with oppressors.
٢٧. لا تَسْلُقوني بِحَدِّ أَلْسُنِكُمْ
ما أَرَبُ الظّالمينَ مِنْ أَرَبِي
28. We belong to Allah and to Him we return
Due to forgetfulness of night and erring.
٢٨. إِنّا إلى اللّهِ راجِعونَ على
سَهْوِ اللّيالي وغَفْلَةِ النُّوبِ
29. Tomorrow Ali rose but never
To return, and morn seemed ominous.
٢٩. غَدَا عَلِيٌّ ورُبَّ مُنْقَلَبٍ
أَشْأَمَ قَدْ عادَ غيرَ مُنْقَلَبِ
30. Deceived by the sword he served.
When would it strike in battle obeying him?
٣٠. فاغْتَرَّهُ السّيْفُ وهو خادِمُهُ
مَتَى يُهِبْ في الوَغَى بهِ يُجِبِ
31. It finished him off, and had it wished, it would
Have whispered to the curving blades to flee.
٣١. أَوْدَى ولَوْ مَدَّ عَيْنَهُ أَسَدَ الغا
بِ لناجى السِّرْحَانَ في الهَرَبِ
32. O my lasting sorrow, agony, sighs,
And oh my regret and hardship!
٣٢. يا طُولَ حُزْني ولَوْعَتي وتَبا
رِيحي ويا حَسْرَتي ويا كُرَبي
33. For the horror of a day when knowledge and faith
Were diminished, from their cheeks the radiance gone.
٣٣. لِهَوْلِ يَوْمٍ تَقَلّصَ العِلْمُ والدِّ
ينُ بِثَغْريهما عَنِ الشّنَبِ
34. That day no misfortune had ever
Struck the Chosen One or ever occurred,
٣٤. ذَلِكَ يَوْمٌ لَمْ تَرْمِ جَائحَةٌ
بِمِثْلِهِ الْمُصْطَفَى ولَمْ تُصِبِ
35. A day that darkened the morning with its gloom
And clothed the sun in the fog of dusk,
٣٥. يَوْمٌ أصابَ الضُّحَى بِظُلْمَتِهِ
وقَنّعَ الشّمْسَ مِنْ دُجَى الغُهَبِ
36. And the House of the Best was left by
The battlements, confused, their veils torn.
٣٦. وغَادَرَ المُعْوِلاتِ مِنْ هاشمِ الخَ
يْرِ حَيارَى مَهْتُوكَةَ الحُجُبِ
37. Eyes will roam over Abu Hasan's tomb
Lined with wounds and lamentations,
٣٧. تَمْرِي عُيُوناً على أَبِي حَسَنٍ
مَحْفُوفَةً بالكُلُومِ والنُّدَبِ
38. Drowning a quarter of sorrows with their tears,
Mourning its loss through their flowing grief,
٣٨. تَغْمُرُ رَبْعَ الهُمُومِ أَعْيُنُها
بالدَّمْعِ حُزْناً لِرَبْعِها الخَرِبِ
39. Moaning as the soul tosses about in them
A millstone of death, massive, firm.
٣٩. تَئِنُّ والنّفْسُ تَسْتَديرُ بهَا
رَحى مِنَ الموتِ مُرَّةُ القطبِ
40. My craving for that narrator, or that view,
And tidings and sermons!
٤٠. لَهْفي لذاكَ الرُّواءِ أَمْ ذَلِكَ الرَّ
أْيِ وتِلْكَ الأَنْباءِ والخطبِ
41. O Master of Successors, supremely guided,
The desired and exalted one of rank,
٤١. يا سَيِّدَ الأَوْصِياءِ والعاليَ ال
حجّةِ والمُرْتَضَى وذَا الرُّتَب
42. If the army of sorrows marches from you
To the sunlit plain, sanctuary and veil,
٤٢. إِنْ يَسْرِ جَيْشُ الهُمُومِ مِنْكَ إلى
شَمْسِ مِنىً والمَقَامِ والحُجُبِ
43. Then you may cripple the oppressors with your steps,
Crippling them with blows that shake the knees,
٤٣. فَرُبّما تَقْعَصُ الكُمَاةَ بأَقْ
دامِكَ قَعْصاً يُجْثي على الرُّكَبِ
44. And many a skull split open
On cheeks, pigeons scattering.
٤٤. وَرُبَّ مُقْوَرَّةٍ مُلَمْلَمَةٍ
في عارِضٍ للحِمَامِ مُنْسَكِبِ
45. You dyed its corners and smashed it,
With your Indian sword flashing meteors,
٤٥. فَلَلْتَ أَرْجاءَها وجَحْفَلَها
بِذِي صِقَالٍ كَوامِضِ الشُّهُبِ
46. Or the red chested, blond, blue headed one,
Even if he was red headed and mud spattered.
٤٦. أَوْ أَسْمَرِ الصَّدْرِ أَصْفَرٍ أَزْرَقِ الرَّ
أْسِ وإِنْ كانَ أَحْمَرَ الحَلَبِ
47. Ali passed away, may Allah bless his soul
With long lasting prayers and habit.
٤٧. أَوْدَى عَلِيٌّ صَلّى على رُوحِهِ
اللّهُ صَلاةً طويلةَ الدَّأَبِ
48. And each soul has its own reasons
That flow to it like children playing.
٤٨. وكُلُّ نَفْسٍ لحَيْنِها سَبَبٌ
يَسْرِي إِليها كَهَيْئَةِ اللّعِبِ
49. People judge the unknown and I have not known them
To judge without zeal.
٤٩. والنّاسُ بالغَيْبِ يَرْجُمُونَ وما
خِلْتُهُمُ يَرْجُمُونَ عَنْ كَثَبِ
50. But tomorrow, know well their meeting,
For they watch, so you watch out.
٥٠. وفي غَدٍ فاعْلَمَنْ لِقَاؤُهُمُ
فإنّهم يَرْقُبُونَ فارْتَقِبِ