1. And blossoms that adorn the earth in order
In which souls' beads are scattered about
١. وغُضْفاً يَنْتَظِمْنَ الأرضَ نَظْماً
تنثّرُ فيهِ حَبَّاتُ النُّفوسِ
2. For them in every battle there is clamor
And cunning like the cunning of foxes
٢. لها في كُلِّ مَعْرَكَةٍ ضجاجٌ
وداهيةٌ كَداهيةِ البَسُوسِ
3. And swarm of locusts above a sitting
I liken it to a sitting assembly of elders
٣. وسِرْبُ حُبَارِياتٍ فَوقَ جَلْسٍ
أُشَبِّهُهُ بِمَشْيَخَةٍ جُلُوسِ