
I hastened the dawn upon a morning

وباكرت الصبوح على صباح

1. I hastened the dawn upon a morning
That gleams with souvenirs and good cheer,

١. وباكَرْتُ الصَّبوحَ على صَبَاحٍ
يَلُوحُ مِنَ السّوالِفِ والسُّلافِ

2. And two meadows of my heart's desires,
I milked them, and from orchards of bounty.

٢. وغَدْراوَيْنِ مِنْ حَلَبَ الأماني
أَدَرْتُهُما ومِنْ حَلَبِ القطافِ

3. We milked from them a moon and a sun,
With God's sun spangled in its wrapper.

٣. أَدَرْنا مِنهما قَمَراً وشَمْساً
وشَمْسُ اللّهِ مُسْرَجَةُ الغلافِ

4. Take life's milk and do not sell
A hope for fear you'll not fear.

٤. خُذِي حَلَبَ الحياةِ ولا تَبيعي
رَجاءً بالمخافةِ لَنْ تَخافي

5. Such is this world, and they've indulged in another,
While souls procrastinate from the wand'rer,

٥. هيَ الدُّنيا وقَدْ نَعِموا بأُخْرى
وتَسْويفُ النُّفوسِ مِنَ السّوافِ

6. If they lied you'd believe, and if right
Then He who tried you is the Healer.

٦. فإنْ كَذبوا أَمِنْتَ وإِنْ أَصابوا
فإنَّ المُبْتَليكَ هو المُعَافي

7. And truest thing I tell you is my heart
Believes Judgment Day and is not serene.

٧. وأَصْدَقُ ما أَبُثُّكَ أنَّ قلبي
بِتَصْديقِ القِيامَةِ غيرُ صَافِ