1. I ransom you two, bearers of two goblets,
Two moons on two branches in two pots,
١. أفديكُما مِنْ حامِلَيْ قَدحَيْنِ
قَمَرَيْنِ في غُصْنَينِ في دِعْصَتيْنِ
2. Smooth and gentle, with crushed pearls,
A delight and joy for beholders,
٢. رُودٌ مُنَعَّمَةٌ ومَهْضومُ الحَشَا
للنّاظِرِينَ مُنىً وقُرَّةُ عَيْنِ
3. From which the bones of Noah were rejuvenated and refreshed,
And which will remain throughout two lifetimes,
٣. مِمّا تَرَدَّى عَظْمُ نُوحٍ وارتَوى
مِنها وإِنْ بَقِيَتْ على العُمْرَيْنِ
4. I put aside my reason in love, and it said to me:
The ears have no opinion without the eyes,
٤. جانَبْتُ عَقْلي في الحِسَانِ فقالَ لي
لا رَأْيَ للأُذُنَيْنِ دونَ العَينِ
5. She stood gracefully and he stood elegantly,
Exchanging glances with their eyes,
٥. قامتْ مُذَكَّرَةً وقام مُؤَنَّثاً
فتناهَبا الألْحاظَ بالنَّظَرَيْنِ
6. Pour upon me the wine, for our crescent
Has poured its blessings upon the two worlds,
٦. صُبّا عليّ الرَّاحَ إنَّ هِلالَنا
قَدْ صَبَّ نِعْمَتَهُ على الثّقَلَينِ
7. And pass to me your cups, as my imagination pictured,
Mixed with pure water from Lujayn,
٧. وإليَّ كأسَكُما على ما خَيّلَتْ
بالتِّبْرِ مَعْجُوناً بماءِ لُجَيْنِ
8. The days I hate fasting
Are Thursday and Monday.
٨. لا زالَ مِنْ بُغْضِ الصِّيامِ مُبَغَّضاً
يومُ الخميسِ إليَّ والإِثْنَيْنِ