
With a lithe branch when he stoops,

ومزر بالقضيب إذا تثنى

1. With a lithe branch when he stoops,
and the full moon is his attribute,

١. وَمُزْرٍ بالقَضيبِ إذا تَثَنّى
وتَيّاهٍ على القَمَرِ التّمامِ

2. He gave me to drink then kissed me, and inclined
towards me with a glance that cures my sickness.

٢. سَقاني ثُمَّ قَبّلني وأَوْمَا
بِطَرْفٍ سُقْمُهُ يَشْفِي سَقامي

3. So I stay up for him, when the companions are asleep,
Perpetually drinking perpetuity from perpetuity.

٣. فَبِتُّ لهُ خَلا النَّدْمانِ أُسْقَى
مُداماً في مُدامٍ في مُدامِ