
By my father, though I said to him 'my father',

بأبي وإن قلت له بأبي

1. By my father, though I said to him 'my father',
He who knows no one but himself is but a stranger.

١. بِأَبي وإِنْ قَلّتْ لَهُ بأبي
مَنْ ليسَ يَعْرِفُ غيرَهُ أَرَبِي

2. For ten years I was persistent in my affection
To attain what I hoped for from my quest.

٢. قَرْطَسْتُ عَشْراً في مَودَّتِهِ
لِبُلوغِ ما أَمّلْتُ مِنْ طَلَبي

3. And truly, if I had extended my hand,
For two months, I would have possessed the earth were I to have reached.

٣. ولقدْ أُراني لَوْ مَددْتُ يَدِي
شَهرينِ أَرْمي الأرضَ لَمْ أُصِبِ