1. I dwell in the hollow of a grave, a final resting place,
Parted from a dear companion after our time together.
١. أَساكِنَ حُفْرَةٍ وقَرارِ لَحْدِ
مُفَارِقَ خُلّةٍ مِنْ بعدِ عَهْدِ
2. Answer me, if you can, in truth of love:
How did you live on after me?
٢. أَجبني إِنْ قدرتَ على جَوابي
بحَقِّ الوُدِّ كَيفَ ظَلِلْتَ بَعْدي
3. Where did you settle after I left my heart,
And my guts, ribs and liver behind?
٣. وأَينَ حَلَلْتَ بعدَ حُلولِ قَلْبي
وأَحْشائي وأَضْلاعي وكِبْدِي
4. By God, if you could see my torment
When I weep alone in the dark,
٤. أَمَا واللّهِ لو عايَنْتَ وَجْدِي
إذا اسْتَعْبَرْتُ في الظّلْماءِ وَحْدِي
5. Hear my ragged breath and bitter crying
Overflowing, wetting my cheek,
٥. وَجَدَّ تَنَفُّسِي وعَلا زَفيري
وفَاضَتْ عَبْرَتِي في صَحْنِ خَدِّي
6. Then you would know that soon
My grave will be dug and coffin lid nailed shut.
٦. إِذَنْ لَعَلِمْتَ أَنِّي عَنْ قَرِيبٍ
سَتُحْفَرُ حُفْرَتي ويُشَقُّ لَحْدِي
7. And the fool will rebuke me for my tears
As if grief alone has made me ill,
٧. ويَعْذِلُني السّفِيهُ على بُكائي
كأَنِّي مُبْتَلىً بالحزنِ وَحدِيْ
8. Saying, “You killed her, fool that you were,
And weep, but weeping will not avail.”
٨. يقولُ قَتَلْتَها سَفَهاً وجهلاً
وتَبْكيها بكاءً ليسَ يُجْدِي
9. Like a bird catcher who with blade in hand
Then weeps for the birds he slaughtered.
٩. كَصَيّادِ الطُّيورِ لهُ انْتِحابٌ
عليها وهوَ يَذْبَحُها بِحَد