
His body is white, well rounded,

وأبيض أما جسمه فمدور

1. His body is white, well rounded,
Pure, and his head uncovered.

١. وأبيضَ أمَّا جسمُهُ فَمُدَوَّرٌ
نَقيٌّ وأما رأسهُ فمُعارُ

2. He lures only so she may rest within,
A maiden never veiled.

٢. ولك يكتَسِب إلا لتسكُنَ وسَطه
مؤَنّثة لم تُكسَ قطُّ خِمارُ

3. Four sisters has she, all like her,
But she's the youngest, they are elders.

٣. لها أخواتٌ أربعٌ هُنَّ مِثلُها
ولكنَّها الصُغرى وهُنَّ كبارُ