
I am bound and indebted to thank Abu al-Hasan

ألام على شكر الوصي أبي الحسن

1. I am bound and indebted to thank Abu al-Hasan
And that to me is among the wonders of this time

١. أُلامُ على شُكرِ الوصِيّ أبي الحَسَن
وذلكَ عِندي مِن عَجائِبِ ذا الزَّمَن

2. The caliph of the best of people and the first one who
Supported Allah's Messenger openly and in secret

٢. خليفةِ خيرِ الناسِ والأوّل الذي
أعانَ رسول الله في السِّرِّ والعَلَن

3. Without him no prestige would have remained for Hashim
And they would have been disgraced and humiliated by time

٣. ولولاهُ ما عُدَّت لهاشمٍ امرَةٌ
وكانت على الأيّام تُفضَح وتُمتَهَن

4. So he appointed the Abbasids what no other possessed
And who was more deserving of nobility and favor from him

٤. فولَّى بني العبّاس ما اختصّ غَيرَهم
ومن منهُ أولى بالتكرُّم والمِنَن

5. Thus Abdullah made guidance clear in Basra
And Ubayd Allah overflowed with generosity on Yemen

٥. فأوضحَ عبدُ الله بالبَصرَةِ الهُدى
وفاضَ عبيد الله جوداً على اليَمَن

6. And he distributed the tasks of the caliphate among them
So I remain forever bound and indebted with this gratitude

٦. وقَسَّمَ أعمالَ الخِلافةِ بينَهُم
فلا زِلتُ مربوطاً بِذا الشُّكرِ مُرتَهَن