
We went out to hunt the gazelles, and there

خرجنا إلى صيد الظباء فصادني

1. We went out to hunt the gazelles, and there
A gazelle with beautiful eyes enchanted me

١. خرجنا إلى صيد الظِّباءِ فصادَني
هناك غزالٌ أدعجُ العينِ أَحورُ

2. A gazelle whose forehead seemed lit by the full moon
And on whose radiant cheek the Pleiades blossomed

٢. غزالٌ كأنّ البدرَ حلّ جبينَه
وفي خدّه الشِّعرى المنيرةُ تَزهرُ

3. So my heart was struck when he shot me with his arrow
The arrow of a human gazelle has glance and rocks

٣. فصاد فُؤادي إذ رماني بسَهمه
وسهمُ غزالِ الإنسِ طرفٌ ومِحجَرُ

4. Oh you who saw a hunter hunting gazelles
And who saw a fellow hunter hunted, defeated and overpowered

٤. فيا من رأى ظبياً يصيدُ ومن رأى
أخا قَنَصٍ يُصطَادُ قَهراً ويُقسَرُ