
I love you, O night, as long as there is still light in the sky

العمر أحبك

1. I love you, O night, as long as there is still light in the sky
And until the darkness that brings me joy... I love you, O morn

١. لليل احبك مابقى في السما نور
والى ضواني الليل .. للصبح أحبك

2. And the moment that is filled with illusion and pride
I see my grave in your eyes.. and your heart

٢. واللحظة اللي كلها عند وغرور
أشوف قبري بين عينك .. وقلبك

3. In my chest is a sad and broken lamp
Despite the rain and wind.. I took its path to your road

٣. في صدري سراجٍٍ حزينٍٍ .. ومكسور
رغم المطر والريح .. شلته في دربك

4. By God what I have is only my sorrows, palaces
And my fear for you, God is my Lord and yours

٤. والله مابه غير لوعاتي قصور
وخوفي عليك الله ربي وربك

5. I have no power to build bridges over your silence
Neither have your reasons for peace and war confused me

٥. ما بي جهد ابني على صمتك جسور
لا حيرتني أسباب سلمك وحربك

6. My life I love you.. there is no more feeling left in me
And to my life that has abandoned me.. how can I love you?

٦. العمر أحبك .. مابقى فيني شعور
والى جفاني العمر .. وشلون أحبك