
You play while I...have no more joy in music

زل الطرب

1. You play while I...have no more joy in music
Your playing with my soul replaced joy with wounds

١. تلعب وانا .. ما عاد لي بالطرب شف
لعبك بروحي بدل الفرح بجراح

2. The joy slipped away, O painful wind blowing in the palm trees
The rhymes of the night have grown old...the light of dawn appeared

٢. زل الطرب يا موجع الطار بالكف
شابت قوافي الليل .. نور الضحى لاح

3. As if you were beating on the heart...your beating upon the tambourine
I hope the ribs will protect the heart lest it falls

٣. كانك تدق القلب .. دقك على الدف
عسى الضلوع توقي القلب لا طاح

4. I saw you...and do not know who else stood in line after you
Many people...yet they seemed to me like ghosts

٤. شفتك .. ولا ادري من قضب بعدك الصف
ناس ٍ كثير .. وكنهم عندي أشباح

5. Your light invited me to stop and see you
As if a beacon appeared in the eyes of a sailor

٥. نورك دعاني عندك الشوف وقف
كنه فنارٍٍٍ لاح في عين ملاح

6. He who is eighteen years old and set sail
Left the boat and challenged the waves swimming

٦. من له ثمان اسنين من راح منكف
خلّى السفين وعارض الموج سباح

7. In his joy he did not calculate the ropes wearing out
The waves overpowered him and the bottom shifted

٧. من فرحته ما حسب االحيل يتلف
غلب عليه الموج والقاع منزاح