1. My beloved, who else but you has fallen in love with a mere idea,
A ghost and a fantasy that breaks the heart
١. حبيبي من هو غيرك قد عشق فكره
طيف وخيال ونحولٍ يكسر الخاطر
2. No one warned you of its deception and witchcraft
No one told your heart of ruin and barren seasons
٢. ما حذرك عاذلك من غيه وسحره
ما قال قلبه خراب وموسمه باير
3. No righteousness in his book, no honey in his ink
No light in his exile, lost and wandering
٣. لا بر في دفتره لا شهد في حبره
لا ضي في غربته متبعثر وحاير
4. If only you had listened, while all eyes were scattered
Tears screaming between sword and horseshoe
٤. كني سمعتك وكل العين منتثره
دمعٍ صرختي ما بين السيف والحافر
5. Do not slaughter him, though he lives long in pain
His fantasy surpassed the beauty of past and present
٥. لا تذبحونه ألم وأن طال به عمره
فاق بخياله جمال الماضي والحاضر
6. Those who stabbed him, leave a handspan in his chest
For love to settle in or depart
٦. اللى طعنتوه خلوا شبر في صدره
يلقى به العشق وقت يقيم ويسافر
7. The planet you call small because it is so far
And your vision falls short
٧. الكوكب اللي تقول الناس ياصغره
من كثر ما هو بعيد وشوفهم قاصر
8. Do not envy him, take a morsel of your bread
For his hunger, and give the heart and the viewer their youth
٨. لا تحسدونه خذا من خبزكم كسره
للجوع وأعطي شباب القلب والناظر
9. That which is little overflows in abundance
And that which is plenty lacks rare essence
٩. اللي قليله قليل ٍ فاض من كثره
واللي كثيره قليل الجوهر النادر
10. That which is little overflows in abundance
And his fingers, though you count them endless
١٠. اللي قليله قليل ٍ فاض من كثره
واصابعه وان حسبتوا مالها اخر
11. His fingers, though you count only ten
In every rock whiteness of protruding bone
١١. اصابعه وان حسبتوا كلها عشره
وفي كل صخرٍ بياض عظامها نافر
12. In every land we dug his graves a nail
And all who wept, each tear births a poet
١٢. في كل ارضٍ حفروديناها ظفره
وكل ما بكى كل دمعةٍ تولد بشاعر
13. Each wound bleeds and sets his mind aflame
And all who wept, each tear births a poet
١٣. كل ما انجرح شع نزفه واشتعل فكره
وكل ما بكى كل دمعه تولد بشاعر