
My friend, here is my attempt at translating this beautiful Arabic poem into English:

روحي فداء ربحلة فتانة

1. My friend, here is my attempt at translating this beautiful Arabic poem into English:
My soul is a sacrifice for a charming, alluring girl

١. روحي فداءُ ربحلَةٍ فتَّانةٍ
صالت على قلب العميد بمرهفَين

2. Whose glances alighted on the heart of the colonel with two fluttering eyes
She unleashed them from two gazing eyes conspiring

٢. سلَّتهما من ناظرَين تحالفا
للفتكِ بي مع حاجبين منكَّبَين

3. To destroy me, along with frowning, bent eyebrows
She comes to temples not to fulfill a ritual

٣. تأتي المعابدَ لا لتقضيَ سنَّةً
لكن لتقتلَ اسقفاً او اسقفين

4. But to kill a bishop or two bishops
If she tried to count those who died of her beauty

٤. ان رمت تحصي مَن قضوا بجمالها
كلفاً فسَخّر كل اهل الخافقين

5. It would be an undertaking, so she employed all the pulsating ones
And she used the orbits as manuscripts unfolding

٥. واستخدم الافلاك طراًّ مصحفاً
واجعل مدادكَ كل ماءِ الرافدَين

6. And made your ink all the water of the two rivers
Or else you would have wasted all your life

٦. ولا فقد ضيَّعتَ عمركَ كلَّهُ
وبعدتَ عن دَرك الحقيقة فرسخَين