
O singer who has stirred passion in my heart

يا مطربا قد أثار الوجد في كبدي

1. O singer who has stirred passion in my heart
When the lute spoke of his kindness

١. يا مطرباً قد أثار الوجدَ في كبدي
لما تحدَّث عن إحسانهِ العودُ

2. If you sing of elders full of wisdom
The youth called out, "You have returned to us, return!"

٢. إذا شدوتَ بأشياخٍ ذوي هَرَمٍ
نادى الشبابُ لقد عاودتكم عودوا

3. Your family called you Ibrahim, they did not lie
And David's affliction was revealed in this singing

٣. دعاك اهلك ابراهيم ما كذبوا
وان تجلى بهذا الشَدو داءُود