
The embers of your love have faded into oblivion

جمرات حبك قد خبون خمودا

1. The embers of your love have faded into oblivion,
And the floods of your tears have dried up and frozen.

١. جمرات حبكَ قد خبونَ خمودا
وسيول دمعكَ قد نضبنَ جمودا

2. Your heart has grown indifferent in youth,
After it had attained the most intense fire.

٢. اضحى فؤادكَ في الصبابة فاتراً
من بعد ما اصلت لظاه وقودا

3. The tongue has fallen silent, though it was the most melodious speaker,
Sending necklaces and strings of stars shimmering.

٣. صمت اللسانُ وكان اطرب ناطقٍ
يحبو النجوم قلائداً وعقودا

4. Your wings that once pulsated ardently
Have now become still, their throbbing witnessed no more.

٤. هدأت جوانحك التي ياطالما
خفقت فكان خفوقها مشهودا

5. After separation you showed some weakness,
Allowing your embers to die down into icy indifference.

٥. اعطيتَ بعد الهجر بعضٍ علالةٍ
ذهبَت بجمركَ فاستحلتَ جليدا

6. You were illuminated with passion’s fire,
Now after the union you’ve turned into iron.

٦. قد كنتَ بالاشواق تبراً لامعاً
فغدوتَ من بعد الوصال حديدا

7. You were a light that gave the night beauty,
Now it has faded and I find the dawns are black.

٧. قد كنتَ نوراً يكسب الليل السنى
فخبا فأَلفيتُ البواكرَ سُودا

8. O how miserly you've been since you left me,
Depriving my life of its song that would last.

٨. يا بخلُ مذ فارقتني احرمتني
غَرداً بهِ عيشي يدومُ رغيدا

9. If this estrangement had continued
You would have ruled time eternal, sublime.

٩. لو دام هجري كنت اربح غادة
ملكَت على طول الزمان عميدا

10. Pity has touched my heart for its misery,
Rescuing it from the garden of cheeks and roses.

١٠. مسَّت فؤادي رحمةٌ لشقائهِ
أجنتَهُ من روض الخدود ورودا

11. I’m astonished how a radiant rose once plucked
Loses its glow and becomes mere kindling.

١١. اعجب بوردٍ ناضرٍ مذ نالهُ
زالت نضارتُهُ فاصبح عُودا

12. You unjustly accused my heart of a blemish
From which it will now remain distanced all my life.

١٢. اتهمتِ قلبي يا ظلوم بوصمةٍ
لا زال عنها ما حييتُ بعيدا

13. Would that your judgment be as fair as your stance -
Not hurting me frequently despite its kindness.

١٣. يا ليت حكمكِ عادلاً كقوامكِ ال
مزري بكثرة عدلهِ الاملودا

14. My love has not grown indifferent, no, by Him
Who made indifference itself vanish from your eyes.

١٤. ما صار حبي فاتراً لا والذي
جعل الفتور بناظرَيكِ مُبيدا

15. But the intensity of my dissolution has increased my pain
Until it kills me and makes me a martyr.

١٥. بل زادني فَرط التهالكِ لوعةً
ستقضُّني حتى اموت شهيدا

16. You hastened my death with your innovation in love
Allowing the fear of death to freeze me.

١٦. قربتِ لي أَجَلِي ببدعكِ في الهوى
فاتاح لي خوف الممات جمودا

17. The thought of parting in life terrifies me
Let alone when you actually leave me.

١٧. ذكر التفرُّق في الحيوة يروعني
ما الحال أن فارقتني ملحودا

18. If you wish to return joy and happiness to me
Revive my heart with hopes and promises.

١٨. إن شئتِ عَوداً للبشاشة والهنا
أحيي الفؤآد أمانياً ووعودا

19. Do not let time treat it with hostility, blame
Or hurtful estrangement and coldness.

١٩. لا تسعفي الدهر الخؤُونَ عليهِ أع
راضاً ولوماً جارحاً وصدودا

20. Give generosity its right with kindness
And clothe it with garments of bliss and calm.

٢٠. اعطي السماحةَ حقها برًّا بهِ
واكسيهِ من حلل الهناءِ برودا

21. And avoid disturbing the moments of intimacy,
Who would taint pure wine with aloe?

٢١. وتجنَّبي تكدير اوقات الصفا
مَن ذا يشوب بعلقمٍ قنديدا

22. Leave aside haughtiness and coquetry
So that love returns to us happy.

٢٢. ودعي الترفُّعَ والدلالَ تكلُّفاً
حتى يعود بنا الغرام سعيدا

23. Do you accuse my heart that vies for leadership of indifference?
O you before whom heads bow down in prostration!

٢٣. ألمثل قلبيَ تتهمينَ بسلوةٍ
يا مَن لها عنت الرؤُوس سجودا

24. And I who never took you as a beloved
To my heart that is entirely devoted to you as a goddess.

٢٤. وانا الذي لم يتخذكِ حبيبةً
لفؤادهِ الملتاح بل معبودا

25. And I who, since our love pact was made
You have become the sole object of my passion and desire.

٢٥. وانا الذي مذ صحَّ عقد ودادنا
اضحت لديهِ مهى زرود قرودا

26. And I who find happiness and purpose
That your feet tread upon me as carpets.

٢٦. وأنا الذي يجد السعادةَ والمُنى
أن توطئي قدميكِ منهُ خدودا

27. And I who sold my soul extolling you
In the market of your love consciously and willfully.

٢٧. وانا الذي باع الحية وصفوها
في سوق حبكِ عامداً معمودا

28. If you are absent, the sun seems to my eye a bowl of blood
And the earth a prison, and the sky caving walls.

٢٨. ان غبتِ ظنَّ الشمس قرصاً من دمٍ
والارض سجناً والسما اخدودا

29. And when you are found, you are to me a bliss
That suffices instead of Heaven and eternity.

٢٩. واذا وجدتِ وجدتِ منك بعطفةٍ
حسب المنيّةَ جنَّةً وخلودا

30. A feast, if not lit by the light of your face, is but mourning;
And if lit by it, however gloomy, becomes celebration.

٣٠. العيدُ أن لم يبدُ وجهكِ مأتمٌ
واذا بدا حسب المآتم عيدا

31. Have confidence that I stand steadfast
In the religion of your love, refusing to betray or abandon it.

٣١. كوني على ثقةٍ بأَني ثابتٌ
في دين حبّكِ لا اطيق جحودا

32. And be certain that he who has shown loyalty for so long
Can never be indifferent or uncaring.

٣٢. وتيقني ان الذى الف الوفا
منذ الحداثة لا يكون كنودا

33. Favor me or deprive me, accept me or spurn me, be equitable or unfair,
And you will still find your faithful loving friend.

٣٣. جودي ابخلي صدّي اقبلي جوري اعدلي
تجدي سليمكِ صادقاً وودودا

34. Passionately yearning, utterly enraptured,
Never deviating from loyalty’s ways.

٣٤. كَلِفاً مشوقاً هائماً متولّهاً
لم يبغِ عن سنن الوفاء محيدا

35. For you, from you, by you, to you is his whole existence,
And so shall he remain for eternity aspiring.

٣٥. بكِ منكِ عنكِ اليكِ كل حياتهِ
وكذاك يلبث في الخلود مُريدا