
If Barham had attained from me as much as

لو أن برهم نال مني مثلما

1. If Barham had attained from me as much as
I gained of love, passion, and yearning for you

١. لو أن بَرهَمَ نال مني مثلما
قد نلتِ من حبي وفرط ولوعي

2. He would have ranked me above angels
And made the gardens of eternity just one of my meadows

٢. لأَعدَّ لي فوق الملائك رتبةً
وغدت جنانُ الخلد بعض رَبوعي

3. When the light of your most high essence shone upon
My mind, my whole self settled on loving you

٣. لما تجلى نُوركِ الاسمى على
فكري استقرَّ على هواكِ جميعي

4. Before professing your peerless beauty
My heart never broke nor my tears flowed

٤. من قبل توحيدي لحسنك في الورى
لم ينسحق قلبي وتجرِ دموعي

5. So to you belongs the merit of my supplication and vigil
And with you lies the joy of my pleading and humility

٥. فاليكِ ثاب توسُّلي وتهجُّدي
ولديك طاب تضرعي وخشوعي

6. You are the sanctuary of my soul and its sky
You are the direction of my prostration and bowing

٦. ولأنتِ مَقدِسُ مهجتي وسماؤها
ولأنت قبلة سجدتي وركوعي

7. It's you I mean when I say "O my Master"
Be gentle with my lowliness and humility

٧. أنتِ الذي اعنيهِ حين اقول يا
مولاي رقَ لذلَّتي وخضوعي

8. With you is life, through you is death, in you
I trust, to you I return when I escape

٨. منكِ الحية بكِ الممات عليك
متكلي اليكِ اذا فررتُ رجوعي

9. Wrong me, oppress me, show no mercy
The servant is best when obedient

٩. جوري اظلمي وتحكمي لا ترحمي
اجري دمي فالعبدُ خيرُ مطيع

10. No creatures were created loving so much before or after me
Or as bereft, not hoping to be sated

١٠. لم تبدع الاكوانُ مثلي مغرماً
قبلي ولا بعدي عديم هجوعِ