1. With my soul, though I have no appointment with her
As proof of the love she declared
١. بروحي وما لي غادةً قد سألتُها
دليلاً على الحبّ الذي صرَّحَت بهِ
2. I said to her, alas, is this so, and I am the one
Whose heart by your rejection, death has become its wish
٢. وقلتُ لها هي هيهات ذا وانا الذي
بصدّكِ اضحى الموتُ منيةَ قلبهِ
3. Do you make it yearn, O she who holds its reins
And anguish, yet you do not intend relief for its hardship
٣. أتهوينهُ يا من ملكتِ عنانهُ
ولوعاً ولا تنوينَ تفريج كربهِ
4. It tosses and turns in intense burning love
While your heart is heedless of it, mocking its love
٤. يراوحهُ وجدٌ أليمٌ مبرّحٌ
وقلبك لاهٍ عنهُ هزءاً بحبهِ
5. So she said, "It pleases me that you love me as much
As you love, so be like me, chaste, and die in it
٥. فقالت أحَل اني أحبُّكَ مثلما
تحبُّ فكن مثلي عفيفاً وَمُت بهِ
6. For I am pleased by your death out of passion for me
And delighted by the complaints and reproaches of the lover
٦. فيعجبني منكَ المماتُ صبابةً
واطربُ من شكوى الحبيب وعَتبهِ
7. Unlike the rest of the gazelles who show mercy
And are gladdened when they are sought to quench their thirst
٧. خلافاً لباقي الغيد يعطفنَ رحمةً
ويسعدنَ من يقصدنَ تتييمَ لبّهِ
8. I was created a princess over all kindness
And that is why my love is unique in its type
٨. خُلقتُ على كل الحسان اميرةً
ومن أجل ذا حبي غريبٌ بضربهِ
9. So my supreme principle which I have adopted
Is the death of a lover from the rejection of his beloved
٩. فقاعدتي الفضلى التي قد تخذتها
مماتُ حبيبٍ من صدود محبّهِ
10. And my condition with him is torturing your heart with anguish
By being near yet unattainable, prohibiting you from reaching me
١٠. وشرطي بهِ تعذيبُ قلبكَ لوعةً
بقربي وتضييعي نُهاك بخلبهِ
11. And your living distressed, and your dying enamored
A martyr who attains reward in the eternal abode of his Lord
١١. وعيشكَ ملهوفاً وموتكَ مُغرَماً
شهيداً ينالُ الاجرَ في خلد ربّهِ