
Thus from his inheritance the heir is deprived

كذا من إرثه حرم الوريث

1. Thus from his inheritance the heir is deprived
And his oppressor roams about or wreaks havoc

١. كذا مِن إرثِهِ حُرمَ الوريثُ
وظالمهُ يُعربدُ أو يعيثُ

2. Indeed, the small cooking pots have become few and there are no cooking pots
For a house whose quarters are vacant and dilapidated

٢. لقد خفَّ القطينُ ولا قطينٌ
لدارٍ رَبعُها خالٍ رثيث

3. Among my commoners, my land has yielded growth but now
It has become prey that cries for help without any helper

٣. بشعبي قد نَبَت أرضي فأمسى
طريداً يستغيثُ ولا مُغيث

4. Why does he walk slowly or sleep
While people all around him move hurriedly

٤. إلامَ ينامُ أو يمشي رُوَيداً
وسَيرُ الناسِ حَوليهِ حثيث