1. The invader shows no mercy to the invaded
But makes light of his covenant and enemy
١. لا يُشفِقُ الغازي على مَغزوِّه
بل يستخفُّ بحلفهِ وعدوِّهِ
2. The weak have no intercession with the strong
Far apart are their descent and ascent
٢. ما للضعيفِ إلى القويِّ شفاعةٌ
شتّان بينَ هبوطهِ وعلوِّه
3. Let not his gentleness and flexibleness delude you
After humiliation, by his tyranny and excess
٣. لا يَخدَعَنَّكَ رفقُه وليانُهُ
بعدَ الهوانِ ببطشهِ وعتوِّه
4. Endure him, watching, until when
He transgresses the limits, you seize him for his trespass
٤. واصبر عليهِ مراقباً حتى إذا
جازَ الحدودَ أخَذتَهُ بغلوِّه
5. Never was he a day calm but unruly
And betrayal lurks in the glance of his affection
٥. ما كانَ يوماً حانياً بل جانياً
والغدرُ يَكمنُ في لحاظِ حنوِّه
6. Needs must come a stumble though the land be smooth
And fate before his nearing and approaching
٦. لا بدَّ من وَطَر ولو حالَ الوَرى
والدهرُ دونَ بلوغهِ ودنوِّه
7. Man was and will remain ever-changing
And fortune between his coming and going
٧. المرءُ كان ولم يزل متقلِّباً
والحظُّ بينَ رواحهِ وغدوِّه