
The shy doe exhaled

تنفست الظبية النافره

1. The shy doe exhaled
And her breath was fragrant

١. تَنَفَّستِ الظبيةُ النافِرهْ
وأنفاسُها هبَّةٌ عاطِرهْ

2. Her cheek glistened with sweat
Trickled with drops of dew

٢. وبالعَرقِ الخدُّ سوسانةٌ
عليها دموعُ النَّدى قاطِره

3. She went on an outing at dawn
How beautiful was the early pressing

٣. إلى نزهةٍ ذهبت بكرةً
فما أجملَ المعصرَ الباكره

4. She passed by the flowers
And darted through the fields

٤. ومرَّت على الزَّهرِ أترابُها
وبينَ الحقولِ غدَت طافره

5. She returned with a bouquet in her hand
And another on her chest

٥. وعادت وفي يَدِها طاقةٌ
وأخرى على صَدرِها ناضره

6. How many flowers her hand picked
To strew upon her neighbor

٦. فكم قَطَفَت كفُّها زهرةً
وكانت لجارَتها ناثره

7. My heart is a meadow for her frolic
Where her blossoming is dazzling

٧. فؤادي كحقلٍ لها مسرحٌ
عليهِ وطلعتُها باهره

8. She reaps its emotions in an embrace
Unlike what she scattered poetically

٨. فتَجني عواطفَهُ ضمَّةً
وليست بما نثرَت شاعره