
The coward lion protected her

حماها دونه الأسد الرهيص

1. The coward lion protected her
And the likes of me will not be satisfied with the cheap

١. حِماها دَونَهُ الأسَدُ الرهيصُ
ومثلي ليسَ يُقنِعهُ الرخيصُ

2. My soul is drugged with sturdy numbness
As a hard meaning has drugged it

٢. ونفسي شاقها خِدرٌ حصينٌ
كما قد شاقها مَعنى عويص

3. So when she turned away and walked slowly
And said, "Behind us is an eager man"

٣. فلمَّا أعرَضت ومشَت رويداً
وقالت دُوننا رجلٌ حريص

4. I withdrew my hand and did not take revenge
On him who in Egypt was measured for a shirt

٤. رَدَدت يَدي ولم آخذ بثأرٍ
لمن في مصرَ قُدَّ لهُ قميص