1. Should you not take pride, young man, and boast
One day of your precious, glorious homeland?
١. هَلا تفاخرُ يا فتى وتُباهي
يوماً بموطِنِكَ العزيزِ الباهي
2. And be in it a master, not a servant,
Who shepherds, while strangers enjoy its bounty.
٢. وتكونُ فيهِ سيِّداً لا خادماً
يَرعى وللغرباءِ درُّ شياهِ
3. O you who will come after me, if you attain your wish
And live free in riches and glory,
٣. يا آتياً بَعدي إذا نلتَ المُنى
ونعِمتَ حرّاً بالغِنى والجاه
4. Remember a young man who sacrificed himself for you
And refused a life of humiliation and comfort.
٤. اذكر فتىً أشقى لأجلكَ نفسَهُ
وأبى على الإذلالِ عيشَ رفاه
5. My homeland, which the foreigner coveted when he saw
Among my people so much sedition and foolishness.
٥. وطني بهِ طَمِعَ الغريبُ لما رأَى
في أمتي من فتنةٍ وسفاه
6. Their passions killed their dignity; if only
They had been prudent, patience would have been greater.
٦. أهواؤها قتلت مروءتَها ولو
فطنت لكان الحلمُ أكبرَ ناه
7. So upon those who perished loving it
While it was neglectful of them, may God's peace be.
٧. فعلى الذين تهالكوا في حبِّها
وهي الخذولُ لهم سلامُ الله