
O what a fine army with discipline

يا حبذا جيش له ترويض

1. O what a fine army with discipline
And courage on the day of turmoil and provocation

١. يا حبَّذا جيشٌ له تَرويضُ
ولهامهِ يومَ الوَغى تَعريضُ

2. Whose soldiers are like torrential rain, ready
To rouse their mothers as if they were their own

٢. وجنودُه كبني تُماضُرَ إن غدا
للأمهاتِ كأمِّهم تحريض

3. In Al-Qadisiya lay the bodies of brothers
As their mother wept with overflowing tears

٣. في القادسيّةِ كان مصرعُ إخوةٍ
والأمُّ قالت والدموعُ تفيض

4. Thanks be to God who made me
Nobler through their death, so I have compensation

٤. الحمد للهِ الذي قد زادَني
شَرَفاً بمقتلهم فلي تَعويض

5. The peace of nations lies in their readiness
For war, while the ambitious side is volatile

٥. سلمُ الشعوبِ يكون باستِعدَادِها
للحرب والطَّرفُ الطموحُ غَضيض

6. Nothing turned your neighbor away from you
Except his fear that his home would be undermined

٦. ما ردَّ جارَكَ عنكَ إلا خوفُهُ
من أن يكون لبيته تقويض

7. A nation without power is harmless
And glory comes from arms and weapons widespread

٧. الأمةُ العزلاءُ لا خطر لها
والجاهُ من ذاتِ السلاحِ عريض