
The street was crowded and the throngs did surge

حفل الشارع والجمع لغط

1. The street was crowded and the throngs did surge
Waves met and mixed within its span

١. حَفِلَ الشارعُ والجمعُ لغَطْ
وتلاقى فيهِ موجاً واختلطْ

2. And its maidens scattered love
From eyes that killed me by mistake

٢. وغوانيهِ يُنَثِّرنَ الهوى
من عيونٍ قتَلتني بالغلط

3. Their glances fell, so tempting
Like scattering, upon the snares that dropped

٣. سقطت ألحاظُها مُغريةً
كنثارٍ فوقَ أشراكٍ سَقط

4. I said, while my heart hovered over her
Like a bird that picked up scattered corn

٤. قلتُ والقلبُ عليها حائمٌ
مثلَ عصفورٍ من الحَبِّ التقَط

5. If only, from each cheek I had a kiss
A kiss from each cheek, for me alone

٥. ليتَ لي من كلِّ خدٍّ قبلةً
قبلةً من كلِّ خدٍّ لي فقَط

6. Maybe so we could make peace
Never has the pact of peace been tied this way

٦. رُبَّما نعقُدُ صلحاً هكذا
هكذا ماتمَّ عقدُ الصلحِ قط