1. I saw my face yellow in the mirror
And I remembered a flower scattering in the morning
١. أبصرتُ في المرآةِ وجهي أصفرا
فذكرتُ زهراً في الصباح تنثَّرا
2. When I passed by Lubna's house, she did not recognize me
What was from the days of youth and what has passed
٢. لما مَرَرتُ بدارِ لُبنى أنكرَت
ما كان من عهد الشباب وما جرى
3. And I looked at my face, and her eyes met
My eyes, so her tears started flowing
٣. وتأمَّلتُ وجهي فلاقت عينُها
عَيني فأصبحَ دمعُها متحدِّرا
4. She grieved for me, saying "What is this sadness?"
For I knew you as a blossoming rose branch
٤. وحنت عليَّ تقولُ ما هذا الضَّنى
فلقد عَهدتُكَ غُصنَ وردٍ مُزهِرا
5. Your eyes made you known to me in my denial
To a heart that saw by their light and perceived
٥. عيناكَ عرَّفتاكَ في نكري إلى
قلبٍ بنورِهِما استَدَلَّ وأبصرا
6. So I answered her "Feelings melted me away
And the flower bloomed early before its time"
٦. فأجبتُها إنَّ الشعورَ أذابَني
والزهرُ قبلَ أوانهِ قد نوَّرا