1. Eve, your mother's love has caused us grief
If only the apple of passion did not exist
١. حوّاء أُمُّكِ حبُّها أَشقانا
يا ليتَ تفّاحَ الهوى ما كانا
2. If it weren't for what was in her cheek
Adam would not have been tempted by his wife and disobeyed
٢. لو لم يكن فيهِ الذي في خدِّها
ما غرَّ آدمَ زَوجَها وأبانا
3. He would not have plucked the forbidden fruit to eat
To justify through it his disobedience
٣. لم يقطفِ الثَّمرَ المحرَّمَ آكلاً
منهُ ليَستَحلي بهِ العصيانا
4. Rather he would have said, while thinking in his fear
Eve, God has forbidden this fruit
٤. بل قالَ وهو مفكّرٌ في خَوفهِ
حوّاءُ عن هذا الإلهُ نهانا
5. She seduced him when the evening was adorned
With the dreams that adorn our minds
٥. أغوَتهُ إذ كان المساءُ مُزَخرَفاً
لألذَّ أحلامٍ تزين كرانا
6. And there was a silvery veil upon the heavens
From the light of a moon that hides its brilliance
٦. وعلى الجنانِ غَشاوةٌ فضيَّةٌ
من نورِ بَدرٍ يستخفُّ جنانا
7. The breeze was fragrant, and in its breaths
Was that which revives the soul and body
٧. والرّيحُ عاطرةٌ وفي نفحاتِها
ما يُنعشُ الأرواحَ والأبدانا
8. So he saw, for the goodness of his life around him
Delight, and he coveted beauty and benevolence
٨. فرأى لطيبِ حياتهِ ما حَوله
بَهجاً فرامَ الحُسنَ والإحسانا
9. She smiled at him and glanced coquettishly
A partnership that was seductive
٩. فتبسّمَت ورَنت إليهِ وظرفُها
شركٌ فكان الجاذبَ الفتّانا
10. And she made him covet an apple
With which to quench his thirsty heart
١٠. وغدت تُشَوِّقُهُ إِلى تفّاحةٍ
مِنها يُروِّي قلبَهُ الظمآنا
11. Until when he refused, frightened
She brought her cheeks closer, causing agony
١١. حتى إذا عرَضَت فأعرَضَ خائفاً
أدَنت من الخدَّين ما أشقانا
12. And leaned seductively, saying "This one
Eat it, as you have kissed me sometimes"
١٢. وتمايلت دلّاً وقالت هذه
كُلْها كما قبَّلتني أحيانا
13. So he inclined to her, saying to himself
Shall I eat an apple and be repaid?
١٣. فرنا إليها قائلاً في نَفسهِ
أَبأكلِ تفّاحٍ يكون رَدانا
14. Let us eat of this beauty, for her consent
Makes every hardship easy for him
١٤. فلنأكُلَنَّ من المليحةِ فالرِّضا
مِنها عليهِ كلُّ صعبٍ هانا
15. Eve, O mother of mankind, were it not for you
Passion among people would not be disgraceful
١٥. حواءُ يا أمَّ الورى لولاكِ ما
كان الهوى بين الأنامِ هوانا
16. You were created for tricks and plotting
And seeking pleasures in our world
١٦. فلقد خُلِقتِ لحيلةٍ ومكيدةٍ
وتطَلُّبِ اللذّات في دُنيانا
17. Your beauty was adorned with frivolity and subtlety
And reason was the fortress of Adam's forehead
١٧. زانت جمالكِ خفّةٌ ولطافةٌ
والعقلُ جبهةَ آدمٍ قد زانا
18. Was this your secret? To have him eat
What you offered to him and safeguarded?
١٨. أكذاكَ سرُّكِ أن تريهِ آكلا
مما بذَلتِ له ومما صانا
19. And so your ugly betrayal has not ceased
To destroy men and ruin countries
١٩. وكذا خيانتُكِ القبيحةُ لم تزل
تُردي الرّجالَ وتخربُ البُلدانا
20. You made it easy for him, then deceived him
With the tears of deceit that flowed treacherously
٢٠. هوَّنتِ ذاكَ عليهِ ثم خَدعتِهِ
بدموعِ غدرٍ قد جَرَت غُدرانا
21. And how often have the tears of women flowed for trickery
And sorrow was drowned in those tears
٢١. ولكم جَرى دمعُ النساءِ لخدعةٍ
وغدا الخؤون بدَمعهِ غرقانا
22. As for the tears of men, they are few
And pure, knowing no falsehood
٢٢. أمّا الدموعُ من الرجالِ فنزرةٌ
وصفيَّةٌ لا تعرفُ البُهتانا
23. May God have mercy on you, O she from whose mother
She inherited perfections that kill mankind
٢٣. رُحماكِ أيّتُها التي من أُمِّها
وَرِثت محاسنَ تقتلُ الإنسانا
24. You preserved this beauty and offered it
So we went astray in loving it and were guided
٢٤. هذا الجمالُ حَفَظتِهِ وبَذلتِهِ
فأضلَّنا في حبِّهِ وهدانا
25. Your tears adorned your radiant cheek as
The braids adorn the beautiful head
٢٥. والدّمعُ زيَّنَ خدّكِ الباهي كما
بضفائرِ الرأسِ الجميلِ ازدانا
26. Were it not for your trickery we would not have disobeyed our Lord
And the passionate heart disobeyed
٢٦. لولا احتيالُكِ ما عَصينا ربَّنا
في الحبِّ والقلبُ الجموحُ عصانا
27. You subjugated him and robbed him of all his treasures
So he became submissive and confused before you
٢٧. أخضَعتِهِ وسَلبتِ كلَّ كنوزهِ
فغدا أمامَكِ خاضِعاً حَيرانا
28. It was as if he were a king who lost his throne
So virtue, kingdom and authority wept
٢٨. فكأنهُ ملكٌ هوى عن عَرشِه
فبَكى التّقى والملكَ والسلطانا
29. Love made us equal but for me
It has become my religion and faith
٢٩. الحبُّ سوَّى بيننا لكنَّه
قد صارَ عندي الدّينَ والإيمانا
30. Do not think the two hearts in the law of passion
Are lawful, for my love was supreme
٣٠. لا تحسبي القَلبين في شَرعِ الهوى
شرعاً فحبِّي كان أعظمَ شانا
31. In love, silence pleased you and my pleasure
Was its eloquence, and it was expression
٣١. في الحب لذَّ لكِ السكوتُ ولذّتي
كانت بلاغتَهُ وكان بيانا
32. If not for modesty, your weakness strength
I would have given the reins for you completely
٣٢. لولا حياءٌ فيهِ ضِعفُكِ قوةٌ
أطلقت للأوطارِ منكِ عنانا
33. I know you, so this is the saying of one experienced
Do not deny what refutes denial
٣٣. إني عرفتُكِ فهو قولُ مجرِّبٍ
لا تُنكري ما يدفع النكرانا
34. But let fate run its course, as
Passion has willed, and so our union came
٣٤. لكن دَعي الأقدارَ تجري مثلما
شاءَ الغرامُ فوَصلنا قد حانا
35. I have forgiven you all your sins
So that our union and meeting would be pleasant
٣٥. إني غفَرتُ لكِ الذّنوبَ جميعَها
كيما يطيبُ وصالُنا ولقانا
36. My fortune is like yours in misery and passion
So let our spirits blend in cooperation
٣٦. حظّي كحظّكِ في الشقاوةِ والهوى
فلتمتزج لتعاونٍ روحانا
37. I love you, O seducer I befriended
And forgave, so our tears met
٣٧. أهواكِ يا فتّانةً صافحتُها
وصَفَحتُ عنها فالتقى دَمعانا
38. In your chaste love my heart is pure
And love is purification, as fires have recounted
٣٨. في حبّكِ العذريِّ قلبي طاهرٌ
والحبُّ تطهيراً حكى النيرانا
39. And for your violet eyes I was afflicted
So I plucked and inhaled its delight
٣٩. ولأجل عينيك البنفسج شاقني
فجنيتُه وشممتُه نشوانا
40. So my chest is filled with fragrance and light
Receiving hopes and solace
٤٠. فمن الشذا والنورِ صَدري مُفعَمٌ
يَستَقبلُ الآمالَ والسّلوانا
41. It always yearns for soft straightness
As a bird yearns for branches
٤١. أبداً يحنُّ إلى قوامٍ ليِّنٍ
وكذاكَ يهوى الطائرُ الأغصانا
42. Your eyes are the color of the sky, so from them
And from the sky, the heart softened and yielded
٤٢. عيناكِ من لونِ السماءِ فمنهما
ومن السماءِ القلبُ رقَّ ولانا
43. Tears are a gift from your eyelids, a place
That brings the lost lover back to life
٤٣. والدّمعُ منٌّ مِن جفونِك مُنزَلٌ
يُحيي مُحِبّاً تائهاً وَلهانا
44. If you close your lips, my eyelids, calm me
So I can taste the pleasures of passion
٤٤. إن أطبقت شفتايَ جَفنيك اهدئي
لأذوقَ لذاتِ الهوى ألوانا
45. Kissing your eyelids is not considered a sin
I see it as mercy and affection
٤٥. تقبيلُ جَفنكِ لا يُعَدُّ خطيئةً
إني أراهُ رَحمةً وحنانا
46. What is the fault of a bee that harvests nectar from a lily?
And the eyelid is like a lily to me
٤٦. ما ذنبُ نحلٍ يجتَني من سوسَنٍ
والجفنُ منكِ يُشابهُ السوسانا
47. For long you have tortured me and denied me
So beg the Merciful for your stinginess
٤٧. فلطالما عذَّبتِني ومنعتني
فاستَغفري عن بخلِك الرحمانا
48. My love, your beauty has overflowed and passion
So when will I be saturated by its water?
٤٨. أحبيبتي قد فاضَ حسنُكِ والهوى
فمتى أكونُ بمائه ريّانا
49. So prepare, for life is short
And passes like the beautiful migrating bird
٤٩. فتزوّدي إنّ الحياة قصيرةٌ
ويمرُّ كالطيرِ الجميلِ صِبانا
50. So cling to its wing, then flutter
To take from its feathers what our hearts longed for
٥٠. فتعلّقي بجناحهِ ثم انتِفي
من ريشهِ ما اشتاقَهُ قلبانا
51. Be rapacious and giving for it
Or else bear the loss and deprivation
٥١. كُوني لهُ نهَّابةً وهَّابةً
أو فاحملي الخسرانَ والحُرمانا
52. So let the heart flutter in its pleasures
As long as you still listen to its throbbing
٥٢. فليخفقنَّ القلبُ في لذّاتهِ
ما زلتِ سامعةً له خَفَقانا
53. And if the eye does not cry or stay up all night in lovesickness
It does not deserve rest and disregard
٥٣. والعينُ إن لم تبكِ أو تسهر جَوى
ما استَحلتِ التّسهيدَ والهملانا
54. With what excuses, my beauty, when passion
Has not gathered its folds or touched its heights?
٥٤. فبِمَ التعلُّلُ يا مليحةُ والهوى
ما ضمَّ أعطافاً ومسَّ بنانا
55. The night has come, and the stars are like
A necklace that holds pearls and coral
٥٥. الليلُ أقبلَ والنجومُ كأنها
عقدٌ يضمُّ الدرَّ والمرجانا
56. And the flowers, the breeze has opened them, and their fragrance
Has perfumed the trains and courtyard
٥٦. والزَّهرُ فتَّحهُ النسيمُ وعَرفُهُ
قد عطَّرَ الأذيالَ والأردانا
57. And the branch leaned, and like a sigh, its rustling
Offers you the apple and pomegranate
٥٧. والغصنُ مالَ وكالزّفيرِ حَفَيفُهُ
يهدي لكِ التفّاحَ والرمّانا
58. Or have you not heard the throbbing of my heart
When it remembered and craved flight?
٥٨. أو ما سمعتِ من الفؤادِ خفوقَهُ
لما تذكَّرَ واشتهى الطَّيرانا
59. It is as if it were a bird leaving its nest
To see the dawn and sing melodies
٥٩. فكأنه طيرٌ يغادرُ عشَّه
ليرى الصّباحَ وينشدَ الألحانا
60. And if you recall our intimate talk, you will shout out
My chest has now become filled with its love
٦٠. ولئن ذكرتِ حديثَ إلفِكِ تهتُفي
صَدري غدا من حبِّهِ ملآنا
61. I wish it were near me, and I near it
The intoxication of passion keeps company with the drunk
٦١. يا ليتَهُ قربي وليتي قربَهُ
سَكرَى الغرامِ تُنادمُ السّكرانا
62. And it would say to me, and its talk is a song
"O desired one, your estrangement has killed me"
٦٢. ويقولُ لي وحديثُه أُغنيَّةٌ
يا مُشتهاةُ قَتلتِني هُجرانا
63. Nothing is sweeter than the words of passion
And its tears where heartsickness makes one weep
٦٣. لا شيء أهذَبُ من كليماتِ الهوى
ودموعهِ حيثُ الجوى أبكانا
64. Hearts of lovers forever mellow for it
And it cuts through them in the graves as shrouds
٦٤. أبداً ترقّ لها قلوبُ أحبّةٍ
وتشقّ عنهم في الثّرى الأكفانا
65. It is as if it were a perfume I diffused on you
And the handkerchief was perfumed by it for a while
٦٥. فكأنها عطرٌ عليكِ نَشَقتُهُ
فتعطَّرَ المنديلُ منهُ زَمانا
66. My heart has not known forgetfulness for an hour
Nor will your heart know forgetfulness
٦٦. لم يعرفِ النسيانَ قلبي ساعةً
لا يعرفنَّ فؤادُكِ النّسيانا
67. So remember our sweet talk at night
And remember our sweet love in the morning
٦٧. فتذكّري في الليلِ طيبَ حديثِنا
وتذكّري في الصُبحِ طيبَ هوانا
68. If my poetry does not arouse in you the passions of love
I will leave poetry and women
٦٨. إن لم يهيِّج فيكِ أشجانَ الهوى
شِعري تركتُ الشّعر والنسوانا
69. And if nature loses its blossoming
The nightingales will hide their melodious voices
٦٩. وإذا الطبيعةُ زالَ منها نضرُها
تخفي البلابلُ صَوتها الرنّانا