
If a free man's promise is a debt then fulfill it

إن كان وعد الحر دينا أنجز

1. If a free man's promise is a debt then fulfill it
And come forth to drink the sweet wine and pour it out

١. إن كان وَعدُ الحرِّ دَيناً أنجزِ
وابرُز إلى شربِ الرّحيقِ وبرِّزِ

2. You are the chosen drinking companion for its mornings
And evenings when you brought me the miracle

٢. أنتَ النديم المُصطفى لصبُوحِها
وغبوقِها إذ جئتَني بالمُعجِز

3. With two glass bottles and promised me from an urn
In which no remnant was left unseparated

٣. بزجاجَتَينِ وعَدتَني من قُرقُفٍ
لم تبقَ فيها فضلةٌ لم تُفرَز

4. The best wines are little but effective
And so is eloquence with concise speech

٤. خَيرُ الخُمورِ قليلةٌ فعّالةٌ
وكذا الفصاحَةُ بالكلامِ المُوجَز

5. It gives its intoxication with its surah and likewise
The lute cannot be straightened unless pressed

٥. تُعطي بسُورَتِها اللَّيانَ وهكذا
لا يَستقيمُ العودُ ما لم يُغمَز

6. So uncork it with the prying hand of an expert
For the girl is for marriage not for hoarding

٦. فانزَع صمامَتَها بمَبزَلِ حاذِقٍ
فالبنتُ للتَّزويجِ لا للمكنَز

7. And if you put her ransom before her
You will gain from your life what you never gained before

٧. فإذا جَعَلتَ فِدامها قُدَّامَها
أحرَزتَ من دُنياكَ ما لم تحرز

8. By God, her prestige is not from her glass bottle
For without this goblet she would not become prestigious

٨. والله ما تعزيزها بزجاجها
فبغير هذى الكأس لم تتعزَّز

9. Or don't you see the crystal glasses among the gilded
And the engraved and the etched and the embroidered

٩. أوَ لا ترى الأقداحَ بينَ مُذَهَّبٍ
ومُفَضَّضٍ ومُنقَّشٍ ومُحزَّز

10. Tell the beautiful one to pass it around and not to
Touch the refined one with a vulgar hand

١٠. قُل للمَليحةِ أن تطُوفَ بها ولا
تلمُس مُنَعَّمةً بكفٍّ مجرز