
The world has blossomed while your heart remains closed

تفتحت الدنيا وقلبك مغلق

1. The world has blossomed while your heart remains closed
Can dry branches grow leaves and flower?

١. تَفتَّحتِ الدُّنيا وقلبُكِ مُغلقُ
وهَل يابسُ الأغصانِ يَنمو ويُورقُ

2. My youth, and after youth is there infirmity?
It's gone, and heavy worries have come to rob me of sleep

٢. شبابي وهل بعد الشبابِ تعلّةٌ
مَضى وأتى الهمُّ الثقيلُ يؤرّق

3. Remember, oh waters, the days of our love
There where the meadow was fragrant with herbs

٣. بعَيشِكِ يا ميُّ اذكُري عهدَ حبِّنا
هُنالِكَ حيثُ الحقلُ بالطّيِبِ يَعبُقِ

4. And sing the songs the muse has inspired
When morn is greeted by the chirping birds

٤. وغنّي من الشعرِ الذي الوَحيُ دَونَه
إذا صَبّحَتكِ الطَّيرُ وهي تُزَقزق

5. How arduous was the valley whose murmuring
Once brought us joy as the veils of night were torn

٥. فكم شاقَني الوادي الذي لِهَديرهِ
طَربنا وأستارُ الظّلامِ تمزَّق